Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My Bastardized Sangria

Red Wine, Fruits & Soda Drink
I could really use some of this right now.
Red wine, diced strawberries, peaches, pears, sprite and ice.


  1. Doesn't sound bastardized to me! Just delicious.

  2. that looks yummy! but i'm not really into any kind of alcohol... so this thing reminded me of lemonade and i would really like some at the moment. yummy!

    -robots in trouble

  3. With this work week, I think I deserve one!!! This looks absolutely delicious.

    Hope you have a wonderful day, Love.
    That Girl in Pearls

  4. looks super delicious!!!possible to post the recipe here? Thks.:)

  5. ahhhh!!! with such hot weather in HK this is like the best drink to sooth the heat!! Wish I can have one too!!!

  6. What is the recipe please!!!

  7. Can you please post the recipe!

  8. Hmmm recipe? You can experiment. Start with filling half of the glass (or more) with fruits. If you prefer more red wine, you can add just a little sprite, and vice versa.

  9. any suggestions on what kind of red wine to use?

  10. Since there's quite a bit of sprite in mine, I normally just use any cheaper red wines...I think I used cotes du rhone for this one. But it could really be anything

  11. I cannot wait to try this recipe!
    If you wanna check out some delicious recipes, you should check out my blog! You may be delighted by what you discover ;)

  12. Looks yummy! Ok to pin it? Thanks for sharing!

  13. Just discovered you on pinterest. Love your blog, love the bastardized sangria. Going to make it this weekend. Yum.

  14. Do you use fresh or canned pears and peaches?

  15. Hi anonymous, I used fresh strawberry, pears and peaches :)


  16. I just made this for a neighborhood happy hour to start off the Memorial Day weekend! Delicious! Just play with the amounts and it is great. I also added peaches!

  17. Looks DELICIOUS!! What kind of red wine did you use??

    For Love of Cupcakes

  18. Hi there! you can use any red wine... I used the cheapest one in the wine aisle of my neighborhood supermarket :D

  19. I want to make a big batch for a party. Would you say the sprite:wine ratio is 2:1?

  20. Hi Angela, depends on how much alcohol and wine element you want. I prefer more sprite than alcohol, but really... it's up to you :) try making a glass and use that preferred ratio in a big batch

  21. Actually I don't like to mix red wine with something else but this looks really delicious!

  22. I found your blog through Pintrest, and I love it! I would like to invite you to share your recipes on a new recipe sharing website RecipeNewZ (with Z). When you submit a photo of your dish, it is published within minutes and links back to your blog. Try it out:

  23. I would love to know how much of the ingredients you added. Looks amazing.

  24. Looks so yummy! Wanted to let you know that I'm doing a round up of recipes that I can't wait to try in the near future, and I'd like to include this one. I will be listing the name of your recipe, linked back to your site, as well as your site name. A photo will bein a collage format only, so that your picture cannot be "swiped" from my site. And there will be no information about the ingredients or recipe steps so that readers must come visit you if they want to know how to make it! This will go live on the 13th; please do let me know if you don't want me to link to you for some reason. I hope it brings you a lot of traffic!

  25. This was FANTASTIC!!! Including this as a part of my thanksgiving menu.
