Thursday, July 7, 2011

Black Truffle Pate, Mixed Mushrooms & Prosciutto Pizza from Our Weekend Pizza Party

Truffle Paste, Mixed Mushrooms & Prosciutto Pizza
My two girlfriends and I tried to make our own pizza last weekend. Actually they made the pizza, I was just busy trying to calm super cranky baby M down.. ^_^'

We (i.e. actually it was mostly Ieie, she did all the kneading!) made the dough following this recipe. The recipe is pretty easy to follow (easy for me to say as I was not the one who kneaded the dough heheheh) and we're pretty pleased with the result.

We made two kinds of pizza...the one which impressed me the most was the one with this black truffle pate.
Black Truffle Pate

The dough was simply rolled thinly, placed on a well oiled baking tray.
Black Truffle Pate & Mixed Mushrooms Pizza before Baking
Spread quite a bit of the black truffle pate, add chunks of mixed mushrooms, season with salt and black pepper, topped generously with grated cheese (we used a mix of mozzarella, parmesan and cheddar), and bake for about 15-20 minutes in a 250C preheated oven.

Truffle Paste, Mixed Mushrooms & Prosciutto Pizza
Once it's out of the oven, we added more black truffle pate and placed a few pieces of prosciutto. Let them fold casually like cute little rosebuds.

Truffle Paste, Mixed Mushrooms & Prosciutto Pizza
Absolutely fragrant and delicious!

As for the other pizza...
Salami, Bacon, Cheeses, Asparagus & Cherry Tomato Pizza
We just slathered the dough with a bit of ketchup (oppps, but it's yummy, trust me), added some grated cheeses, salami and bacon, topped with more cheeses, added halved cherry tomatoes, and some baby asparagus. After baking, we added some fresh basil leaves from my tiny herb garden. Yummy!

Baby M was super cranky and clingy the whole time, I had to carry him around with me, even when I tried to  take some pictures. Thanks to Ieie for documenting this crazy-bad-mama moment ^_^

We ended the meal with Ieie's homemade tiramisu topped with fresh berries and some bad Sunday TV (it's TVB Jade's latest variety show where we had to guess the girl among drag queens).
Ieie's Tiramisu
Good food, good company, bad TV.
What could be better than that?

I'll post more pictures from the night on my Facebook page.


  1. mm mmm how satisfying! i had cold pizza yesterday :P

  2. Looks amazing and so delicious! realy masterpieces!

  3. Your pizza look delicious and I love that Tiramisu too, what a great night for you ya. Oh minus the cranky baby. :P

  4. I wouldn't even begin to know where to find black truffle pate! But it sounds like something I should search for.

  5. gourmet pizza! this looks really up market :D
