Friday, May 6, 2011

Ham & Cheese Chicken Roulade FAIL 失敗的芝士火腿雞肉卷

Chicken, Ham & Cheese Roulade FAIL
Look it in the eye.
The face of (another) failure.

One day, I saw Athena's ham and cheese chicken roulade, I love the idea and decided that I was going to make it.
有日我見到Athena整芝士火腿雞肉卷, 見佢整得咁靚, 我就試吓啦

Chicken, Ham & Cheese Roulade FAIL
I am very bad at following recipes, I pretty much just looked at the pictures briefly and I was convinced that I could do it. I was wrong.
其實我唔係好識睇食譜, 多數都係睇住張相就黎整..

I used a slice of ham and a slice of cheese for half a chicken thigh, so I didn't have enough chicken to cover the filling, I couldn't seal the chicken properly and the cheese leaked all over the place...
Chicken, Ham & Cheese Roulade FAIL
Yikes! Taste-wise, it was delicious, since I seasoned the chicken really generously, and the skin turned nicely golden. Anyway, I will try again, I will succeed, and I will post the recipe.
可惜, D埳溜晒出黎, 雖然唔好睇, 但係食起上黎又好好食喎!

What a determination. Atta girl.

Have a delicious weekend la!


  1. How is it you use half a chicken thigh? The other half leh? The failure looks delicious, I wouldn't have cared.

  2. heheh use the cheese as a dipping sauce instead! ;) hey, it still looks great and I would love to have a stick of chicken and ham with cheese dipping sauce please!

  3. Still looks pretty delicious to me!

  4. As long as it's delicious and not meant for a dinner party, then it's good.

  5. My mom has never made a chicken roulade that actually stuck together so don't feel bad! Still looks delicious!

  6. Sometimes looks is not everything, who cares as long as it's tasty, especially after a day of hard work, I would gobble up everything ;)!

  7. Still looks delicious! Love Daphne's idea of using the cheese for a dipping sauce - perfect:)

  8. I wouldn't have known it was a failure... looks tasty to me!

  9. I do try certain dishes after "looking" at them too but don't always succeed. :O

  10. Maybe wrap it in foil to cook it and then un-warp it to brown? That's what I could too, sort of oven poach it in a log and then browning it after it's done.
