Monday, March 28, 2011

Weekend Breakfast - Cream Cheese & Kaya Sandwich with Cinnamon Coffee

Just thought I'd share my weekend breakfast...when it's not instant noodles/dimsums/Hong Kong fast's gotta be an easy sandwich.
Cream cheese kaya sandwich & cinnamon coffee
This time, it's cream cheese & kaya (weird?) on fluffy and soft honey egg sliced bread. I love the creamy, tangy and slightly savory flavor of cream cheese with anything, including with the sweet and coconutty kaya. Toasting the bread would be nice, but I was just too lazy. Heheh.

Cream cheese kaya sandwich & cinnamon coffee
I also love the addition of a little cinnamon on my sweet black morning coffee. Love the sweet fragrance. I am so not a coffee purist, obviously ^_^

How was your weekend? Delicious?


  1. cheese and kaya? you never fail to blow me over with your creativity. :) i am sold ...... am making this for my brekkie tomorrow.

  2. anything with cream cheese is usually good....whats kaya?

  3. hi, shellie, i've added the link to it. it's coconut jam ;)

  4. jadi pgn Kaya toast bikinan sendiri hehee
    kalo aku weekend maren makan Pastel & lemper yg pesen dr surabaya (jauh yah) enakkk lempernya bny isi daging & pastelnya khas bgt krn rasa daging semirip abon manis2 gitu .

  5. Well, since I'm not sure what kaya is...I'm going to have to defer to your taste. Probably delicious then.
