Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Spicy "Indonesian" "Omelette"

Spicy Omelette
What makes it "Indonesian"?
Well, it's made by and eaten by an Indonesian citizen. Heheheh.
Not funny.
I know :D

And what's with the quotation marks on the "Omelette"?
Well, because I am not sure if this is an omelette. It kinda looks more like Korean pancakes.
Back home in Indonesia, we don't normally eat "omelette" (we actually call it "telur dadar", by which we know that the yolk and the white has been mixed and the egg is fried to form some kind of a pancake shape) just for breakfast, and we naturally eat it with...rice (of course!). The telur dadar could have some meat/corned beef, and it is generally cooked until it's well done or crispy.

I learnt how to spice up a humble telur dadar from my helper. Her version resulted in crispy exterior, moist interior with gorgeous flavors from garlic, shallot, scallion, chilli and ground corriander.

- 3 eggs, beaten
- 1 tsp corn starch (this makes the "omelette" wonderfully crispy)
- 1 small clove of garlic, minced
- 1 shallot, thinly sliced
- 1 red chilli
- 1 sprig of scallion, sliced
- salt, pepper, a touch of sugar, ground coriander, oil for frying

Mix everything together, heat quite a bit of vegetable oil for frying, pour batter into hot oil, cook both sides until the exterior is golden brown. Serve with sambal (or any chilli sauce), consume with a bowl of steamy rice, eat with your hands for maximum yumminess.


  1. Spread mayonnaise and katsu sauce and it will turn to okonomiyaki :D Ah telur dadar emang enaaaak...

  2. oh YUM! will definitely try this next time :)

  3. In think I will try this recipe! Thank you! It looks so good! <3

  4. It looks like an omelette (or 'omelet' as we spell it in the U.S.), omelets are pretty flexible in definition.
    It looks really delicious - love the spiciness.

  5. The omelette looks good especially if it's between two slices of bread! Yum!

  6. Rita, I stumbled across your blog and have read it on a couple of occasions and I already know that I am in love. I am so so so excited to be a follower. Keep up the good work :)

  7. That's what I love about eggs! So versatile. I love how u used chili and scallions in this as well. Lovely!

  8. Beautiful dish..nice blog u have

  9. Yummy, my family favorite! Next time I will try it with cornstarch, I never try it before and am curious. :)

  10. I see what you mean about the Korean pancakes, but it does kind of also look like an omelet! Whatever it is - it's delicious. That much i can tell.

  11. My mum used to make me and my sister telur dadar with kecap manis and I never liked it, I always liked it when she made a different version which is similar to yours, with scallions and some shrimps. Yum!

  12. Whenever I make "omelette", it looks like that - it has some charred bits, different from the Western omelette.

  13. hahaha.... whether Indonesian or not, it sure looks darn good!

  14. so gonna make this friday because i have to get some chilis!!!!
