Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Baked Cheesy & Spicy Eggplant Sambal with Rice

Baked Cheesy & Spicy Eggplant Sambal with Rice
Sambal and cheese.
It is certainly not a "classic" flavor combo, no?
But I couldn't help it.
When I see cheese, I have this unstoppable urge to grate them on top of something savory and bake them until they're gooey and golden.
I don't think you'd blame me.
It is, unsurprisingly, delicious!

Baked Cheesy & Spicy Eggplant Sambal with Rice
Eggplant Sambal Recipe
- 1 eggplant, wash and cut into bite sized chunks
- 3 cloves of garlic (oh yeh), minced
- 4 shallot, sliced thinly
- 3 large red chillies, seeds removed (or you can also use a few smaller, hotter ones and include the seeds if you like it really hot)
- oil, salt, pepper, sugar, ground corriander, cumin
Saute garlic, shallot and chillies in a couple tablespoon of hot oil until super fragrant, add eggplant, mix about, season and spice it until you reach a balance between savory, spicy and sweet, cook until the eggplant chunks absorbed the spicy goodness and are nice and soft.

Baked Cheesy & Spicy Eggplant Sambal with Rice
In a baking dish, add rice (I just used some leftover rice), add eggplant sambal on top of it, add lots of cheese (I used mozzarella and parmesan), bake until golden brown and garnish with crispy shallot if you like. Addition of freshly chopped coriander would be perfect. Too bad I didn't have any (why don't I ever have any coriander in my kitchen! T_T)


  1. I think cheese and chilli is a good combo! But if you add belacan it might be a bit weird lol

  2. I had to go look up sambal but now I think this would be delicious. Cheese goes on anything! (But for the sake of my health, cheese does not go on every thing.)

  3. agree with fluffy said heheee

  4. LOL u r too creative rita! But I LOVE IT!

  5. This sounds good, you always come up with ingenious ideas, I love it...:D)!!

  6. A souped up version of eggplant parm? I'm so in.

  7. I love dishes like this--- the ones where you can just jumble stuff together and end up with a delicious dinner in less than thirty minutes. Looks great

  8. ini kayak hongkong baked rice yah rit? cuma pake eggplant. Duhhh ngebayangin makan terong pedes pake nasi anget......jadi laperrrr....:)

  9. Looks delicious..too bad I cannot eat spicy food :(

  10. Not sure classic or not but it is sure good!

  11. very fusion, tempting and eager to make it this weekend.

  12. Eggplant sambal, rice and cheese, sound good to me!
