Friday, January 28, 2011

Steamed Pork with Chinese Yellow Bean Sauce (Min Si)

Chinese Miso Steamed Pork
My favorite of all the bean sauce...this min si sauce.
There's a perfect balance between the sweet and savory that I absolutely adore.
It can be used with most protein...meat, seafood, or tofu, or hell, I can eat bowls after bowls of rice just with the sauce alone ;)
Added a punch of heat using freshly chopped chillies and more savory fragrance from the spring onions.

In case you're not going out this weekend, give this easy and tasty dish a try.

- a plate of pork meat (or any other meat, I think chicken would taste super nice too), sliced
- about 2 tbsp of min si (if you're in Hong Kong, this can be purchased easily from the wet market, it's sold in tiny plastic bags)
- tiny bit of pepper, corn starch and oil
- freshly chopped chillies and spring onion for garnish

Marinate meat in min si, pepper, corn starch and oil, ideally for a couple of hours, if you're in a hurry, give it 15 minutes. Steam for 8 minutes or until the pork meat's cooked through, serve with lots of steamed rice.

PS. Did you notice my food photography stupidity? Instead of focusing on the meat, I focused on the spring onion chunks. Opps :p


  1. Looks good! I want to start to incorporate more steam food into my everyday cooking. Just steamed some chicken few days ago. Now would love to try it with some yellow bean sauce.

  2. I've never heard of this dish before but somehow you've got me craving it!

  3. I'm with Ching- My grandma has taught me more steam dishes this trip round and I can't wait to try them!

  4. Looks awesome and easy to make, I wanna try it. Is min si sauce also known as fermented soy bean paste?

  5. This looks very good, but I don't know where to get that Mi Si hot bean sauce....:(
