Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Frozen Yogurt & Topping - Yogurtime, Soho, Central, Hong Kong

This is totally random.
I love Frozen Yogurt (froyo) that's recently super "in" in Hong Kong, but I love the toppings more.
...some combos are good, some sucked.

Just wanted to share our screw-ups...
Yogurtime, Soho, Central, Hong Kong
Topping lesson learnt the hard way.
If you aren't a big fan of hard, cold chocolates, do NOT get chocolate chips as froyo topping.

Yogurtime, Soho, Central, Hong Kong
Froyo lesson learnt the hard way.
If you are not a big fan of chocolate ice cream, do NOT think that you might love chocolate froyo.
Yes, my friend, chocolate froyo does NOT taste like yogurt.

Yogurtime, Soho, Central, Hong Kong
Combo lesson learnt the hard way.
Just because individual items seem to taste fantastic on its own, it does NOT mean that they will taste good together.
Blueberry froyo (nice) + chocolate froyo (nicee) + canned lychee (niceee) + cinnamon crunch (niceeee) = DISASTER

Yogurtime, Soho, Central, Hong Kong
Decor lesson learnt the hard way.
You see a row of swings. You do NOT have to get on them.
These are slippery and dangerous, and their height is just wrong for short legged persons such as yours truly to sit on.
A major embarrassment almost happened. Almost. Lucky it didn't.


Where was this?
G/F, 46 Elgin Street, SOHO
Central, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 6165 4608


  1. Yeah, chips might not work so well on frozen yogurt. But the yogurt looks so tempting, so good!

  2. I love froyo!!. Unfortunately, we don't have it in my place. The next time you go home to Indonesia, try Sour Sally and Jco froyo..they are to die for...:)

  3. Someone really should make a list of froyo topping rules. It's really not as straightforward as one would think.

  4. I would`ve gotten on that swing too! Who wouldn`t, anyway :D I-heart-yoghurt! Way more than ice cream. Never see any chocolate yoghurt here so far (and matcha one either), though. Is it good?

  5. LOL...Rita, did you fall off the swing? Oh dear!

  6. hahhaa.. i like how u did the equation!! Lesson learnt!

  7. Oh, I would definitely attempt to get on the swing! Teehee.

  8. Haha so now froyo really is popular in HK, I saw some places during my visit but did not try them out. Froyo craze in US is still here kindof, but it's not as crazy as before.

    Chocolate chip ice cream also suffers from crunchy chocolate! I agree, the chocolate froyo tastes more like chocolate ice cream in my opinion...maybe not if this place used the sour base to make it?
