Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Pizza Hut's Hong Kong - Meat Lover's Cheesy Volcano Pizza

Testing, testing...
Pizza Hut - Meat Lover's Cheesy Volcano
Your eyes aren't wrong.
You aren't having a nightmare (or are you?)
This is really a pizza from... (gasp!) Pizza Hut.

I tried Pizza Hut for the first time back when I was in Indonesia. I was in high school. Yes, we're that slow. I haven't tried McDonald's until I was 18 and I tried (cooked) sushi for the first time when I was 23. I was so fascinated by the sushi train, it was ridiculous.

Eating at Pizza Hut was such a luxury for me. I remember loving creamy beef fettucini so much, licking the baking dish it was served in clean. Gleaming clean, I also remember the garlic bread...and...the meat lover's pizza, thick crust. Ahhh...nostalgia.

I have a confession to make.
I like Pizza Hut's meat lover's pizza.
Why? Why? Why?
Maybe it's the high-in-sodium-ness, maybe it's all the processed "meat" on top of its mass produced "crust", maybe it's all the "cheese" topping of stuffing, or maybe it's the sugary, chemically engineered "tomato sauce".

I dunno.
It doesn't mean that I hate good pizza...handmade, fresh ingredients, rustic or avant garde ones...I love them too. But deep down, there's always a place for this little junk in my heart trunk.

I am not trying to justify myself.
Just saying ;)
Pizza Hut - Meat Lover's Cheesy Volcano
Will you stop reading my blog after you've seen this post?
I hope not.


  1. absolutely not!! pizza is inevitable ;)

  2. life is about enjoying it to the fullest :D

  3. I haven't had pizza hut for ages since some local pizzeria taste better :)

  4. I'm not gonna lie, Pizza Hut pizza doesn't like that good here in the US. Droolworthy.

  5. I believe you have to try everything at least once, but must confess I also do like the occasional junk for my trunk :)
    Never seen this volcano pizza in Oz.

  6. Havent had PH for ages...yup..n agree with Pepy!

  7. Pizza hut is such a guilty pleasure for me! I don't think we have that one in the Us though. Is it made on top of a bunch of breadsticks? At my pizza hut they have these chocolate dippers..omg so bad for you but so good lol.

  8. haha, you made you're confession ;p

  9. asli ngiler banget , meski skrg aku prefer Domino's PIzza sih tapi PIzza Hut ok lah !

  10. Oh dear, my dad was just asking if pizza hut is still existing in our country. But from what I know, pizza hut is shite in england and shite in Singapore. How I wish we could have some of yours!!! What a gorgeous sight!

  11. ugh I cant wait to go back and try this!! I cant wait any longer I need to go to HK NOW~~~!!

  12. Only two days ago my friends were contemplating some pizzas, and when we saw this we thought it looked, well, so un-pizza like, and so we opted for Pizza Box instead. Now I am regretting it. This looked absolutely divine!
