Monday, November 8, 2010

Shrimp Paste Fried Rice - This Ruined My Diet & Indo Food Styling

I should really be on diet...
Shrimp Paste Fried Rice
...trying to lose baby weight and all...

But what a carb-loving girl to do when faced by a huge plate of delicious shrimp paste fried rice? It's carb-tastic! There was a huge wok of this fried rice, and if I went all the way, I think I could really finish the whole wok myself.

But I know I shouldn't, so I just ate half a wok ^_^'

If you grew up in Indonesia, you gotta remember the typical Indonesian food styling, especially for fried rice, which is "to arrange everything in circular order". I asked my helper to put the fried rice onto a plate and I told her that I was gonna take pictures of it.

She went all out.

See? Even the chicken frank pieces and chillies are arranged into circles. makes me miss home.
Shrimp Paste Fried Rice
- 3 cups of rice, ideally left in the fridge overnight (you can obviously make less, we're just greedy)
- 2 cloves of garlic, minced
- 3 cloves of shallot, sliced thinly
- red and green chillies, chopped (adjust according to your heat tolerance)
- 3 chicken franks, sliced (you can replace this with any meat or seafood or skip it altogether)
- 3 eggs, beaten, fried and sliced (or you can mix the eggs into the fried rice instead of cooking them separately)
- shrimp paste (I used Lee Kum Kee), fish sauce, sugar, white pepper, oil

Saute garlic, shallot and chillies in hot oil until fragrant, add chicken franks, add shrimp paste (use sparingly, add bit by bit as it is a bit salty), add rice, season with a bit of fish sauce, a bit of sugar and white pepper, mix well, add sliced fried eggs, serve hot.

I wonder if pumping more milk could compensate this carb-madness afternoon?


  1. I always use either shrimp paste (terasi) or fish sauce for making fried rice. Looking yum Tong!

  2. rice fried with shrimp paste? never had it before but the combo sounds so interesting ...... will definitely try it out once i get some shrimp paste :)

    btw love, love your recipes, always unique and most of time easy enough for me to handle.


  3. haha.....I love the food styling- it's so cute!! And this looks so delicious, I can totally see why you would want to eat the whole wok yourself!!

  4. asikk ga pa2 ga usah diet Rit buka puasa ajah kae aku hua22
    btw aku jg baru posting nasi gr merah khas Ujung Pandang ,enak loh cmn yg bikin kaget warna merahnya he222

  5. Sometimes you just have to indulge in your cravings. I would totally have gone carb crazy with this!

  6. A distinct flavour, shrimp paste will give to the fried rice and I know it tastes good!

  7. I never thought of using shrimp paste before. Looks yummy! How much do you use? I'm poor at the amount of oil and sauce to use so sometimes it either gets too oily or too dry. :P

  8. @Aimei I normally use a non stick pan and use around 1 tbsp olive oil for quite a lot of rice (more than 2 plateful) and for the shrimp paste, add bit by bit and adjust the flavor.

  9. I use fish sauce for making fried rice but it would have never occurred to me to use shrimp paste! What a great idea Rita. You know I am adding shrimp paste the next time I make fried rice :)

    I still remember the pleasures I had from the Tom Yum fried rice!

  10. Just eat well, live well and be healthy and happy :) ..there is nothing wrong about eating fried rice? ...heee heee...yes...what's wrong? ;p

  11. aaah... i remember that circular arrangement. LOLs

  12. Looks so yummy! Circular arrangement? Very interesting!
