Monday, October 25, 2010

Simple Beef Brisket & Daikon Stew

Simple Beef Brisket & Daikon Stew
Hello, cooler weather...hello, stew!

(As if! Actually I stew all year round, solely because I am lazy ^_^')

Normally I love dark, bold, thick and rich sauces for my stew. For beef brisket, I usually love chu hou sauce, satay sauce, dark soy, brown sugar, kecap manis...but this time, I am trying something that's a bit more...minimalist, compared to my usual taste.

The result surprised me.
In a good way :)
Simple Beef Brisket & Daikon Stew
- 1 lb beef brisket, cut into chunks
- 1 medium white radish (daikon), cut into strips
- 1 clove of garlic, crushed
- 2 cm ginger, crushed
- 2 shallot, cut into chunks
- hot water, olive oil, salt, white pepper, nutmeg
- crispy shallot and freshly chopped corriander for garnish (optional)

Saute garlic, ginger and shallot in hot olive oil until fragrant, add beef brisket chunks, brown them a bit, add daikon chunks, mix well, add hot water, bring to boil, season and simmer until the beef brisket chunks are tender, about 1.5 hours (or about 25 minute in a pressure cooker).

Garnish if you wish, prepare a dip of dark soy, sweet soy and chopped chilli or Chiu Chow chilli oil or chilli sauce...

Hearty and tender beef chunk, very flavorful and meaty broth, and the daikon...they're like sponge which absorb all the goodnesses from the meat and broth...

...feel free to slurp loudly ^_^


  1. wah... looks so good and it seems so easy! mauuuuuu

  2. Sometimes minimalist is really not such a bad thing! I love brisket however I can get it. Good stuff.

  3. halo, apa kabar! salam kenal dari saya.
    saya lumayan sering cari resep di blognya rita, dan pernah coba masak oxtail soupnya, enak banget! thanks!
    disini kalau musim dingin daikon juga sering dimasak untuk sup, namanya oden.
    and btw, congrats for the birth of your precious baby boy!

  4. Nice clear stew which I like! Less fuss and less condiments bring out the real flavour of the main ingredients.

  5. This stew looks delicious! Would love a bowl in this colder weather.

  6. Sup ini mirip soto Bandung yach Rit...

  7. oyy Rit , di JKT skrg lagi ujan terus , skrg sore jam 3an . dingin banget . lgs ngences liat sop lobak n sapi kae gini .
    iya ini semirip soto bandung meski kl soto bandung dikasih daun salam sereh lengkuas , kecap manis , cuka , daun bwng seledri n bwng goreng ha22
    temen mkn nya pake krupuk putih , perkedel .

    tapi mami biasa masak juga kae gini biasa dia sebut nyu nam sun , dikasih sayur asin dikit n tape ketan merah (angco) .makan sama kecap asin pake rawit he22

  8. This is so timely for now...this combination of beef brisket and daikon in stew always amaze me! So so delicious.

  9. yum!Brisket and daikon- what a combination. With rice! yum!
