Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hello Kitty Mooncakes - Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

I can't understand my sudden attraction to Hello Kitty.
Hello Kitty Mooncakes
All I knew was...I gotta have this box of Hello Kitty mooncakes from Maxim's.
Extra cheesy, extra cute, extremely adorable.
The box boasts 3D Hello Kitty hologram...each and every moon cake is individually wrapped in cute Hello Kitty packaging...bad for the environment, but good for sharing/giving out to friends/family.

...and what's that Hello Kitty head?
We'll see...

How cute the mooncakes are?
Hello Kitty Mooncakes
Cuteness to the maxx!!!
Too cute for words!

What's inside? Are they good?
Hello Kitty Mooncakes
The black one = black sesame with macadamia nuts, very very nutty.
The green one = green tea with chunky chestnut, very subtly flavored, I barely tasted the green tea or the chestnut, but palate isn't exactly sensitive :D
The chocolate one = tiramisu, chocolatey, coffee-y, creamy. Love it!
The best of four...the eggyolk custard! Slightly savoury, slightly sweet, super rich! Yum!

We haven't tried the, fuji apple, rocky road...but judging from these four...they should be pretty good.

Well, if you look this cute...almost everything else's forgivable :D

...and the Hello Kitty head...
Hello Kitty Mooncakes
It's a carrier bag!
I'll be keeping this in my handbag...and let's see what other cuteness Hong Kong can come up with next year ;)

Happy mid autumn festival, everybody!
PS. My Hello Kitty madness didn't stop there...see more here.


  1. I want those cute mooncakes! lol

  2. I know some people would be horrified by these mooncakes but for me they look very cute and very original for a gift :)

    I got my traditional snowy mooncakes from Taipan, still have to eat chocolate, mango... step by step.

  3. Oh i want to have it! Looks so cite and from your description, I wish to try every piece. :P

  4. Aww those are so cute! I want the chocolate one!

  5. mau dong yang coklat...
    eh lucu banget tasnya...

  6. Hi, could you tell me where to buy this mooncake? It's so cute. Thanx

  7. I like it that they're jazzing up the mooncakes with new flavours. Now if only HK would export them to OZ :)

  8. They have made it up to the environment by having that Hello Kitty Carrier Bag :)

  9. how adorable those hello kitty shapes! I would really like to taste the nutty one!

  10. really adorable mooncakes, and nice blog :)

  11. They indeed look very cute! I love sanrio characters, even though they also remind me how I am getting older...;)!!

  12. Aww how cute! And it came with a free bag too, nice!

  13. wow so lovely shapes . i really don't think of this that ,mooncakes can be so lovely .
    all we have are the traditional shape ,and the color is so easy .圆的~~~my english is not very good . so forgive me .

  14. Omg those are adorable. I so want to try them! Were they expensive? Do you think there's a vendor to get them to or in the US?

  15. Lovely mooncakes! OMG! I want those hello kitty version. :( Too bad they're not available in states ...hiks hiks... I wont mind to eat the unhealthy hellokitty mooncake. nyummm....

