Monday, September 13, 2010

Grilled Grass Carp Belly

Grilled Grass Carp
One of my favorite fish, grass carp (waan yu), the belly part.
The meat's silky smooth and fatty, certain parts of the belly are not too bony, and the bones are big enough to be easily found and pulled out, it's easily found in Hong Kong wet markets, and it's relatively cheap! HK$15 would score you quite a big chunk of it ;)
It tastes fantastic steamed, or cut into thick chunks and dipped into hot pot soup base...and this time, I wonder if it's gonna taste good grilled.

I simply cleaned the fish, season it generously with salt and pepper, pan fry skin down with a bit of olive oil until I got a bit of brownage...rub a little butter...
Grilled Grass Carp
Threw it into 200C preheated oven until the meat's just cooked, and drizzle it generously with lemon juice. Love! Especially the crispy skin. You can serve this with some sauces, soy sauce-garlic-chilli-corriander or butter- cream-lemon-herbs with a carb of your choice.

Carp...carb...oh how I miss thee...


  1. I love salmon belly because of the oils, I think I will love your carp belly too. and very nicely browned, looks so yum :D~

  2. You are seriously adventurous. This seems like one of those things that tastes better with very simple flavors!

  3. This is simply one delicious way of grilling the grass carp belly...I wonder what other fish bellies work for the same method? ;p
