Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Quick Chicken Franks & Veggie Bistik - Bistik Sosis & Sayuran

Quick and Easy Chicken Frank & Veggie "Bistik"
SC and I felt that we have been spending money like water these we kinda made a commitment to cut back a little. We didn't know where the money went...but I guess it's probably all the good food we eat these days :D

Thus, I agreed to make and pack our lunch most of the days, even if we dined out the night before. Sometimes, we came back from a night out and it's too late to get any ingredients from the market/supermarket...and I don't have a habit of keeping ingredients on hand, I normally just buy what I need for the day (the beauty of living in the city). This was one of those nights...

Luckily, I had a pack of chicken franks and half a pack of frozen veggies. So there you go...lunch. I just did them in flavors that I always love...Indonesian bistik.
Quick and Easy Chicken Frank & Veggie "Bistik"
- 1 clove garlic, crushed
- 2 cloves of shallot, thinly sliced
- 4 chicken franks, sliced
- 1 cup of frozen mixed vegetables, quickly defrosted in hot water
- light soy sauce, sweet soy sauce (the dominant flavor), nutmeg, olive oil, white pepper, hot water
- crispy shallot for garnish

Brown the sliced chicken franks in a bit of hot olive oil, add garlic and shallot, cook until fragrant, add veggies, add sauces, add a bit of hot water, serve with rice, garnish with crispy shallot.

More lunch box means more dining out.
Can't wait for my next treat ^_^


  1. Why not? This dish while simple is good with rice. And kids would love it cos it's franks!

  2. yum! My grandma uses to make them with baked beans and tomato sauce.. goes so well with porridge!

  3. I love having sausage on hand to make dishes like this. Always quick. Always tasty.

  4. Time for me to pack lunch to work this month too! So broke after coming back from Vietnam!
