Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Pan Fried Meat & Corn Patties

Pork & Corn Patties
Another easy peasy delight for weekday dinners :)
Some supermarkets have these patties ready-to-use in packages for you, simply pan fry, grill, or steam them...or you can make them for scratch.
It's no rocket science, it's tasty, hearty, satisfying, and it has both the meat and veggie factor :D

- 0.5 lb minced meat (pork or chicken or beef)
- half a cup corn kernels
- 1 small shallot, finely chopped (optional)
- 1 tbsp corn starch, fish sauce, chicken stock powder (optional), salt, sugar, white pepper
- olive oil for pan frying

Mix all ingredients and form patties. If you want to pan fry, but do not want to pan fry for too long, to ensure that the inner part is cooked, you can nuke the patties in the microwave for a couple of minutes before pan frying. Pan fry both sides until golden brown and serve with chili sauce.

To jazz up the flavors, you can add freshly chopped coriander and or chopped red chili into the patties. I didn't add them since SC has developed a sudden hatred towards coriander ^_^'

Tasted fantastic with rice, and maybe add them into soup like meat balls or serve with pasta and sauce.

You must have noticed that my posts get shorter and shorter these days.
No lame excuses, plain and simple, my ass grows bigger and I get lazier ^_^'
Maybe tomorrow the post will have no word and no photo at all :D


  1. Don't you love it that corn can be a grain, a vegetable and a carb all at the same time? Love the combination of flavours!

  2. I have so much corn I need to use. This seems ideal.

    A post without words and photos would be kind of like that yo yo ma piece with no notes. I think it was him, anyway.

  3. You can't fault something easy that is not delicious. Really, such easy peasy dishes are signatures of the homecook *excuses for myself* ...hahahaha

  4. Yummy! I would love to have this as lunch or dinner.

  5. You make it look easy to make these yummy looking patties. And easy, I like :D

  6. Look interesting and quite simple to make. Something I should try on a busy day!

  7. Corn is probably my favourite veg - I add it to everything. These little patties look like they'd totally hit the spot for me! Even better, made into meatballs in soup!

    Man. Too good.

    Jax x

  8. Great Idea!!! Corn and meat! Another dinner idea for us. thanks rita!
