Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Kodok Goreng Mentega - Indonesian "Butter Fried" Frog Legs

Kodok Goreng Mentega - Indonesian "Butter Fried" Frog Legs
Kodok goreng mentega (butter-fried frog legs) is normally served in most Indonesian-Chinese eateries. Do the frog legs really get to be fried in a truckload of butter? Not exactly, it's more stir fried, with just a bit of butter (butter is expensive!), and lots of garlic, onion and sauces, typically soy, sweet soy and Worcestershire sauce. In typical Indonesian Chinese restaurants, you can see various proteins listed under goreng mentega/butter fried, from poultry to seafood, including frog legs.

When I saw these plump little frog legs in the supermarket for HK$33...I immediately grabbed it without thinking. I forgot that SC wouldn't be able (too lazy) to handle the tiny little pieces of meat on tiny little bones...I just thought of myself. Oh wells, I can just peel the meat off for him, right? At least that was the plan :)

- about 0.5 lb frog legs (more would be nice ^_^)
- 1 onion, sliced thinly
- 0.5 cm ginger, crushed
- 2 cloves garlic, crushed
- a sprig of spring onion, cut into long chunks
- olive oil, butter, light soy sauce, sweet soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, pepper, a bit of corn starch, a bit of hot water

Marinate frog legs in a bit of Worcestershire sauce, a dash of soy and corn starch while preparing other ingredients. Once done, quickly fry frog legs in hot oil with a teaspoon of butter, set aside, drain excess oil with paper towel. Saute garlic, ginger and onion in olive oil with 1 teaspoon of butter, add sauces (ratio of soy and sweet soy = approximately 1:2), add a bit of hot water if you want more sauce, once you've achieved the desired balance of flavors, add frog legs into the sauce, mix well, do not overcook, add spring onion, serve with steamed rice.

Just like most of my favorite Indonesian dishes, I enjoyed devouring this dish with my bare hands...licking the frog bones, my fingers and the plate in the process. You gotta love all the yummy noises you're bound to make :)


  1. hahha im trying to remember the last time i ate these was back in Malaysia. they taste like chicken xD can't get them where i live ;) i think...

  2. This looks very yummy! But my hubby would be too terrified to eat frog......

  3. Froggy legs? Oo-er. I know it tastes just like chicken and I've had it before, but the idea that they're froggy legs always turns me off somewhat.

    I could be convinced if this dish were placed in front of me, however! Nom.

    Jax x

  4. Ah that looks good! Last time I cooked this, the heads were still attached and grossed my husband so much, he wouldn't let me cook frogs anymore... unless the heads have been chopped off! Hahaha.

  5. I'm already drooling over your dish!
    I love frog's legs in butter and black pepper.

  6. hahhaa...Kodok Goreng Mentega!!! I loved it when I was younger, but now I somehow cannot eat it anymore, I am turned off by the idea of eating frogs. Stupid me!!

  7. I've always wanted to try frogs legs! They don't sell them here in Australia...=[ And I keep forgetting whenever I'm in HK.....

    Seeing yours makes me want to try it even more! It looks so yummy!!

  8. WAH... i want some... can you save some for me?!?!?!?!?

  9. I've stopped eating frog legs years ago ever since an "incident" after visiting the frog farm :x but seeing your delicious plate actually gave me a renewed interest in eating it haha

  10. Yummy! I would love this dish! I like frog legs cooked in this way.

  11. I've never had frog legs. Ever. So i can't imagine being overjoyed when seeing them in the supermarket. Although they do look so damn tasty...

  12. Do they sell it "live"? I like fresh "live" frog legs. I usually patronize those food stalls which slaughter them on the spot and cook them "kung-po" in a claypot. A lot of such eateries in Singapore but nothing similar here :(

  13. Ooh I haven't had frog legs in a long time, but I can imagine just ripping into that tender meat and sucking that yummy sauce off the bones mmm

  14. I love frog legs! How I wish it's more readily available here.

  15. I haven't eaten them like this (mine were salt & peppered) but as "grub" said, chicken is a good substitute, chicken ribs will give you the boney-ness! He he!

  16. actually the rice porrridge n the kung pao frog leg proportion is too damn unsufficient......
    but the taste is preety fu*king good.....
