Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Weekend High Tea at Crabtree & Evelyn Tearoom

When SC is busy doing some tech support for his brother...the only right thing to do for me is...not to disturb him :D
So I went for some major retail therapy, followed by a high tea with a blogger gal pal I knew from Twitter, the doufu mafia. She blogs about vegetarian food all around Hong Kong and beyond. Check out her blog for some delicious vegetarian treats ^_^

Now, the high tea...I never knew that Crabtree and Evelyn has a tearoom and serves food and drinks...

But it apparently does, the location is tucked away in an office building in Wanchai. It isn't marketed much, maybe that's why I haven't heard about it before.

The place has super limited seating, so if you wanna go, it's better to make a booking. When the weather is cool enough, you can go for the cute gazebo outside ^_^

We went for the classic high tea set for two...

...which was served in extremely unbelievably pretty Crabtree & Evelyn tableware.

Pink for me...

...and green for doufu mafia ^_^

We ordered Rose tea and peppermint tea...

...which was lovely with a touch of flower honey.

When this tower arrived...

We did the right thing to do...

...which was to snap 10001 pictures of it ^_^

To me, what's on the tower was almost not important, I was too distracted by its prettiness :D

We had warm scones...served with clotted cream, strawberry and blueberry jam. I am not a big fan of scones and had it when it has turned cold, but doufu mafia told me that they were lovely when still warm.

The sweets...fruit and strawberry tarts and some chocolates. Fresh fruits on the tarts, but sadly, I could've bought better ones from elsewhere. The chocolates were good, but again, nothing that'd make me go crazy.

I lovee their savoury pastries. Maybe I am just a savoury girl. Flaky, buttery skin with savoury filling? Yum! The chicken and smoked salmon sandwiches? Nothing worth going back for.

We couldn't finish quite a lot of stuff and they packed everything into a pretty box. I also brought home the remaining jar of honey, and the set comes with a small tube of Crabtree & Evelyn handcream, packed in another pretty box.

It's not so much about the food or the tea, but the experience of having them out of pretty packaging. I'd totally go back to let more girlfriends gawk at the floral beauty ^_^

Crabtree & Evelyn The Tearoom
Shop 126, Sun Hung Kei Centre
30 Harbour Road, Wanchai
Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2511 0868


  1. Those kinda look like tapas? Ahhhh you got me craving for tea now. BTW, I always enjoy your posts!

  2. Seems a cool place to bring my girlfriend. Sure she likes the relax atmosphere and the dishes look acceptable :)
    I shouldn´t read these things now before lunch time, hehe

  3. Never heard of a tearoom at Crabtree and Evelyn either! Everything looks very pretty, I agree. :)

    Haha, "when the weather is cool enough". Right now, I think I would say "when the weather is warm enough" in my area since it has been windy and rainy today compared to yesterday which was sunny and hot!

  4. hayo hayo reduce cemilan *lanjutan dr twitter*

  5. Me too for the savory pastries :) I love the Rose Tea teapot....pretty.

  6. Just sitting down and having tea is so rare that I think it IS about the experience rather than the taste. And it all looks so pretty!

  7. I dont think we have a tearoom by that label here. But my friends raved about their chocolate coated potato chips!

    Their scones do look very different from what I have seen....

  8. Me! Me! Me! Take me!

    Umm, did I ask you to take me? :P

    I had no idea Crabtree & Evelyn served high tea either. I just think of it as the handcream store. :P

  9. Really, it's so pretty, down to the boxes. Have this with a bunch of girlfriends would be nice.

  10. wow I didn't know they do tea! Looks really good.

  11. Oh, how wonderful, I love the china and all the cookies. Yum! :) Petra

  12. omg such an enjoyable way to spend the afternoon. I heart the dainty looking tableware.

  13. I love having afternoon tea and I love their pink rose teapot set! ♥
