Monday, May 3, 2010

Dry Fishball Meepok - Oh How I Miss Thee

I haven't found a place that serves fantastic Singapore food in Hong Kong.
But, it's probably because I don't eat out much :P

I've lived in Singapore for about 2 years and love Singapore food so, so much. In fact, I loved the food so much, I gained a gadzillion pounds when I was there! What's there not to love? Hainanese chicken rice with roasted chicken (the brown skinned one, or sometimes char siew), curry puffs, carrot cake, grilled stingray, laksa, barbecued chicken wings, char kway teow...and there's one thing I miss the most...something I haven't been able to find....

Dry Fishball Noodles (Meepok)

I searched high and low for recipes online...and finally found one that I found doable for me...and its from my good blogging friend, Tigerfish from Teczcape!

Here's my adaptation...
- 3 cloves of garlic, minced
- 0.5 lb minced pork
- dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, fish sauce, olive oil, chiu chow chilli oil, chinese black vinegar, white pepper
- 2 portions of dry flat egg noodles
- spring onion and crispy shallot to garnish

Store bought items:
- Fishballs, fish cakes, with soup (I cheated big time, I bought these from a fishball noodle stall downstairs ^_^). Alternatively, you can make your own clear soup to slurp with the dry noodles, chicken stock/beef stock/vegetable stock or seafood stock will do.

Saute minced garlic with a generous amount of olive oil until fragrant, add minced pork, cook until the meat's cooked through, season and taste until you achieve a balance of savoury and tangy. Cook noodles until al dente, drain, place in a bowl, add the meat mixture on top, garnish with spring onion and crispy shallot, serve with fishballs, fishcakes and soup on the side.

Did what I made taste really close to the original? Unfortunately, no T_T...mine wasn't spicy, tangy and satiny enough, plus, it's a little too sweet...and I haven't figured out which flavor I've missed...or maybe I because the way I "adapted" the recipe (deviated too far to be called an adaptation? hehe).

But until I could get my hands on a bowl of Singaporean dry fishball noodles, I'll keep making this.


  1. wah you finally made it! It looks good to me, you made me inspired to try to make it hehe ... I think the chilli is the most important, some kind of sambal.

  2. Maybe it is the olive oil? I don't know but I usually feel that puts a different taste to Chinese food....hmmmmm....

    Did you add salt? Dark soy sauce gives more color than the "saltiness".

    Maybe add more Chinese black vinegar too, in stages (middle of cooking, towards end of cooking, end of cooking...)

  3. It reminds me of bakmi. Since my hubby is a pesco begetarian, I made bakmi with fishballs too.

    Rit, bagiii nooooooo

  4. Ooh that looks nice, almost like a zhajiang mian! Now I am tempted to try also! Even though I will probably fail and end up buying from downstairs!

    Yeah, I agree with Tigerfish...olive oil is not usually used in Chinese cooking.

  5. Yummy! I gained lots of weight when I went back too because everything I wanted to eat. *sigh*

  6. Oh god! You made Singapore sound like a food haven!! And I got lots of craving right now! (But I just had lunch!)

  7. Oh I miss this SG dish too!
    How i wish I can just walk to the nearest hawker center and order a bowl of it now... :(
