Monday, May 24, 2010

Dessert First - Gelatina Mok Yi Kei, Macau

I always think that the famous phrase "Life's short, eat dessert first" is irrelevant to me. I love stuffing myself with savoury goodnesses first, only adding a touch of sinful sweetness in the end, as a perfect ending to a wonderful journey (oh, please! what's with the language?!!)

However, I had to make an exception.
Last weekend, we arrived in Macau extremely hungry, and ready to attack all the cliched and predictable treats, starting with some crab congee plus delicious frills. Sadly, we arrived a touch too early...the place we were supposed to visit hasn't even opened yet!

When SC pointed at Gelatina Mok Yi Kei, at its "quiet-before-the-post-lunch-madness-queue-started" moment, I hesitated. Sweets? Before lunch....hmmm....

But when I saw that beautiful array of colors...puddings in various flavors...and I heard my stomach rumbled and lil' sc was kicking hard...I gave in.
OK, dessert first.

SC had their famous milk pudding (木糠布丁) topped with cookie...dust? powder?

Smooth, creamy pudding with tasty cookie topping...yum...but surely not as yummy as mine...

DURIAN ice cream. Ice cream was the perfect choice for the scorching hot weather. It's not too sweet, it doesn't give me insatiable thirst, and it has super intense durian flavor. If you're not a fan of durian, don't even think about it. I was still burping durian wayyyy after my lunch was over :D

Right after we're done with our pudding and ice cream, more and more people (mostly from Hong Kong) started to gather at the shop...I guess we were all waiting for the same crab congee shop ^_* and had to have dessert first. Not that I'm complaining. It was delicious.

PS. If you are into cute props (who isn't?), you may wanna see what I've bought in Macau ^_^

Gelatina Mok Yi Kei
Rua da Cunha (Souvenir Street)



  1. You make me feel like going for a weekend getaway!!

  2. Drooling at all the colorful desserts, if only we can have a taste of everything!

  3. I'm an equal opportunist when it comes to dessert. Before dinner...after dinner...both... These puddings look delicious!
