Monday, January 11, 2010

Super Simple Roast Duck

I love Jamie Oliver's recipe, each and every single one that I tried were easy enough for idiots like me, and the results, oh the results...I love the result, and SC's always so happy with the results, he might agree to let me purchase a whole new cabinet-ful of shoes (and a new cabinet to store them too).

I made this roast duck simply following a sentence (ONE sentence!!!) I heard on Travel & Living Channel, it was something like this...(I can't remember the exact words)...
This will make this sentence the shortest "recipe" ever posted here?
Rub lots of salt and pepper all over the duck, grill in a preheated oven, 180C for two hours, flip once after around 1 hour.

Since I love stuffing things up my bird's butt and my mini herb garden is still alive and went some rosemary and thyme, as well as half a lime (I needed the other half for my drink :p).

I thought I'd never say this, but my bird's butt smelt fantastical!

Serve with carbs and greens of your choice, but I really wanted to rip this hot bird apart with my bare hands, and consumed it with a plate of hot steamed rice and Indonesian sambal (chilli paste), one of my legs up on my dining chair :D


  1. It is great that you got hold of the single most important line of the recipe! You sure makes it sound easy roasting duck! I will have to give it a try one day!

  2. It is great that you got hold of the single most important line of the recipe! You sure makes it sound easy roasting duck! I will have to give it a try one day!

  3. U made it looks so simple! Roast duck is one that i dare not attempt yet.

  4. wow, love one-sentence recipe like this:: short and sweet and the results are great ^_^

  5. Gorgeously done! Same as Daphne, I have yet to venture into duck department.

  6. Looks so good! How do you get such gorgeous and even colour on your roasts?!

  7. mrs ergul, indeed! i will try again and add indonesian flavors next time :D

    daph, trust me, with jamie's method, it's almost fool-proof!

    wiffy, oh loves easy cooking

    LOCM, time to try try...dun worry, it's fail proof :)

    pigspigscorner, i really didn't do anything this time, maybe it's the structure of the duck that's relatively "flat" compared to chicken (which has protruding chest) and the higher fat content on the gets roasted evenly without me doing anything :D

  8. gosh is dat really all??? i tried once with all the marinade, hung dry, ya know the whole shebang but yet it turned out lousy but yours so glorious!

  9. Too easy! Now you make my process of roasting pigeon with sauce look so complicated :).
