Friday, January 22, 2010

Heirloom Tomato Seeds from Kenny

The ever so sweet and kind Kenny from Chic Eats sent me two packs of heirloom tomato seeds before Christmas. The mail got lost, however, it finally found its way to my apartment (it was like, after new year ^_^). Upon receipt of the seeds, we could not wait to get them planted. We went shopping for a pot and some soil and got them planted. Now, we are seeing little tomato plants! I'm so excited!

I can't take any credit for this though. SC was the one planting and nurturing the seeds and plants every day, showering them with lots and lots of love...

Oh, tomatoes, please don't die on us!
Kenny, thanks so very much again for the seeds~


  1. Use with your own herbs and next time, rear a bird....and in future, you grow your own food in the apt! Wow!

  2. Did you have to use any special kind of soil?

  3. Can't wait to see the tomato on the plant.

  4. I didn't know you could grow tomatoes in a pot. Lol, I'm so ignorant about growing your own food.

  5. SC has green fingers! hope they grow well :)

    I am hopeless at gardening. Friend gave me some "fail-safe" tomato seeds from US but my plant died anyway haha

  6. can't wait to see the tomatos !!

  7. Tomatoes are the best thing to grow at home! Make sure they get a LOT of sunshine and lots of water :) I can't wait to grow tomatoes again in the spring/summer!

  8. i always try a bit of gardening this time of the year, but they usually fall into their demise in the summer. best of luck to you!

  9. This is so exciting!!!! I can't wait to see what comes out of it! It must be beautiful!
