Thursday, January 14, 2010

Chocolate Steamed Milk Dessert from Yee Shun Milk Company

If you walked past these...


...and these...
Take a moment, drool for a bit...
Get in.

...and enjoy.

The problem with dessert specific places is...if I walked past them before lunch/dinner, I'd say to myself "I'm gonna have that later after my meal". Normally, it wouldn't realize, as I'd stuff myself silly during my meal or had dessert with my meal and won't have any space left for anything.

This time, I was having none of it.
I promised myself that I would take a better control of myself at lunch, and would leave some space for one of these babies.
Determination, self control...
...are clearly things I was not born with.

Again, I couldn't help but devour everything on my plate and stuffed myself to my eyeballs.

Never eat something you love when you're stuffed, or you might lose your love. (Wat???)
I didn't want to NOT enjoy my dessert.
So, I went for an intense round of shopping, and went back to the shop when I had enough space for it (like within one hour haha ^_*)

My favorite from Yee Shun is this Chocolate Steamed Milk Egg Dessert.
I tried doing
my version at home.
While mine was really chocolatey, I failed to achieve the same texture of Yee Shun's one. Silky, slippery, satiny smooth, sweet, creamy and chocolatey.
I bet there's a little corn starch in there somewhere.
I wonder why it's only served cold.
Anyone knows?

This is Yee Shun on openrice.


  1. Is that chocolate steamed milk pudding new in Yee Shun? I've only tried their steamed double skin milk pudding and steamed ginger milk pudding before.

  2. Kayaknya enak ya Rit, apalagi klo tinggal makan..hmmm..yummy:))

  3. i'm really curious to try one of these chocolate steamed milk desserts -- i'll have to do a search

  4. Yummy! Do you think it's because milk spoils faster at hot temperature?

  5. desserts ... one of the many reasons why I miss HK so much!

  6. never tried choc version before, thinking of paying HK a visit this year LOL

  7. I have never came across any Yee Shun in HK or maybe I had never really looked! Where can I find them?

  8. Ooh babbyyy I have missed these!! Need to swing by HK again sometime soon hee hee

  9. kenny, try it...very very delicious, i'm willing to pay $22 for it :D

    mba retno, enak mba, tinggal maem hehe

    justin, u're gonna love it

    pigpigsconer, indeed!

    LOCM, i thought so too, but then again, the steamed milk one is available hot...hmm i should just ask next time :D

    noobcook, babe_kl, & ffichiban next time u visit, find me yaaa

    mrs ergul, they're available in most major districts, such as causeway bay, wanchai, yaumatei, prince edward, check out their openrice page for details.

  10. I've not had chocolate steamed milk before but I do like HK style dessert of steamed milk with a bit of ginger. Great clicks.

  11. Never knew Yee Shun Milk Company had this. :O

  12. Hemmm... hemmm... hemm... ngeces, ngeces, ngeces, tes tes tes...

    Mbak Ritong, dapat award di blogq. Diambilong yoooonggg... :D

  13. Looks so good! You really like chocolate desserts :). Need to try this in Hong Kong next time.

    I think they might make it thicker and smoother by adding cream or milk powder, but since I've never tried adding them I am not sure. When I make these desserts at home, they don't taste as rich or creamy as at restaurants so that is why I think cream or milk powder is added.

  14. cream/milk powder, yes possibly. i guess i have to keep trying to achieve the perfect texture ;)
