Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Honey & Lime Roast Chicken

Oh boy.
Look at that bird's ass.
Golden delicious!

...and it's something I could make while I having a mindless chat, gawking at hot guys/beautiful pictures/delicious food/sinful desserts, or shopping online.


I'll try giving some step by step picture illustrations. Some, not all, since apparently my attention to details = crap.

First, start with the bird. Mine's HK$30 worth of smallish chicken. Rinse thoroughly inside out, pat dry, rub salt (generously) all over the bird, inside out and in between the meat and the skin.

Now, herbaliciousness.

I was really excited to use some goodies from my
mini herb garden. I snipped a few sprigs of rosemary, thyme and basil, rinsed, drained them well, crushed 5 cloves of garlic and slice a lime into sections.

Before messaging the bird with some herbs, I prepared my roasting pan...
Being a good partner, I line my roasting pan with foil, for sous chef's easy cleaning later (otherwise, he may refuse to clean forever = my loss). Preheat oven to 180C/350F.

I squeeze lime juice all over the chicken, inside out. Stuffed lime sections, crushed garlic and herbs in the bird's cavity and in between its skin.
Then lay it on the roasting pan...cover with foil...

Dump the whole thing into oven and do whatever you like for about an hour.

After an hour...take out the bird and uncover...and ohmygod!

Nothing happened to the chicken???!!!

Actually it's pretty much cooked, now we just need to brown the skin.
Crank up the heat of the oven to 220-250C. Roast the chicken uncovered, flip once it turns light brown.
Take out the bird again, slather honey (generously. I used cheap BBQ honey, which is pretty much syrup?) all over the skin, drizzle some into the cavity, squeeze lime juice all over...and throw it into oven again until it gets really golden.

Forget being ladylike, civilised, well educated, elegant, blablabla.
Best consumed savagely with bare hands.
Ouch! Hot!

Serve with a side of carb and some greeneries of your choice.


  1. Mmm. I love roast chicken in any way, shape, or form!

  2. wow honey chicken! delicious looking. Making me drool now.

  3. A roast chicken recipe that doesn't call for butter. I am so trying it. Thanks!

  4. A roast chicken recipe that doesn't call for butter. I am so trying it. Thanks!

  5. Wah ... Looks so juicy and yummy! Must be full of flavors with all those herbs used.


  6. ohhhh i love making roast chicken! It is almost fuss-free but finger lickin' good!! haha

  7. Any roasted chicken with honey is fantastic :). Love that addition! Haven't tried lime or herbs with chicken yet. I usually steam chicken or bake it with garlic pepper with butter on top. Or then its char siu sauce and then honey drizzle on top. Yum.

  8. Looks divine! Love that shiny golden color and sweet and sticky chicken.
