Friday, October 30, 2009

Nasi Goreng Kunyit - Turmeric Fried Rice

My closest friends are well aware that I am a yellow freak.

I love everything yellow.
I can't get enough of yellows...
- on me (if you saw me buying another yellow top...just let me, it's my thing. get over it)
- at home (I had my study room painted bright yellow. I accessorized other rooms with yellows, I buy yellow flowers...yellow, yellow, yellow!)
- on my food too (lemon, bananas, egg yolk, golden brown fried foods, yellow curries and spices...yum!)

However, I don't do saffron (hello, expensive)...but I love poor man's saffron, turmeric.

It turns everything gloriously golden and appetizing, and I love its mild fragrance and flavor, especially when paired with its good spice friends, cumin and corriander seeds.

Use the flavor combo for curries, meat or vegetable dishes...but when in doubt....make fried rice, just like what I did.

Fried rice has been my easy way out these days.
Dump any lean meat, vegetables, aromatics and spices, mix them together with tiniest bit of oil in a non stick pan, and I got myself a quick, easy, tasty, spicy, super satisfying, hearty and healthy dinner.

- 1 cup of rice (I use white and brown rice), cooked, refrigerated overnight
- 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
- 2 cloves shallot, thinly sliced
- 1 or 2 red chilli, chopped
- 1 green bell pepper, chopped into small bits
- any lean meat, cut into bite sized chunks (I used boneless, skinless chicken breast, half a pound)
- salt, pepper, sugar, ground corriander seeds, ground cumin, turmeric powder, 1 tsp olive oil, a couple dashes of fish sauce

In a non stick pan, saute garlic, shallot, and chilli in that tiny bit of olive oil. Add bell pepper chunks, add chicken, add rice, season with all the spices, taste until you reach the desired flavor balance. You should taste the salt, and the fragrance of all the spices, the color of your fried rice should be beautifully golden.

That reminds me, I don't have a yellow hand bag.
Let's go shopping.


  1. huaaaaaa jadi enyakkkkk iki srg aku tambahin pk seafood

  2. Fried rice??? big fan! big fan! Gak tanggung-tanggung aku pesen 2 mangkok hehehe. Wes tak ilangi Mbak Ritong, dan.... SUKSESSS!!!! heiheiheihei... Maturnuwun dah :D

  3. I don't mind to eat this fried rice every day.

  4. Fried rice is always the easy way out =) The turmeric adds a nice colour!

  5. waht a delicious rice dish, very nicely done, cheers from london

  6. Ohh... I LOVE Nasi Goreng Kunyit! It's healthy too, it makes u feel ful much quicker compared to just eating plain white rice!

  7. I love Indo fried rice too! Adding turmeric also seems to be a good idea if we're sometimes bored with the usual nasi goreng.

  8. <3 fried rice when i have nothing else to eat . yours look so yummmyy..i can smell the turmeric lol

  9. show your yellow room..!!! :D Hadooh, nasi kuning ga ada yang ngalahin dweeh.. Ritaaa... gue naksir taplak nya , kereeen..

  10. Yellow yellow dirty fellow...hee, is yellow still your fav color? Buahahaha!

  11. i've tried all sorts of fried rice but have yet to use tumeric. :p thanks for the idea

  12. Wow...that looks very good!
