Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sauteed Shrimps in White Wine - Would You Like A Fructus Lycii with That?

It's that time of the month's again...which means that I get unreasonably bitchy and we get to feast on wonderful photographs posted in Still Life Food Photograpy community. Be sure to drop by when you're not hungry, or it would be such a torture (that just happened to me, now I have to be a scavenger, hunting for remnants of lunch or snacks from my colleagues' desk).

The theme this month is shellfish, and I particularly love how photogenic shrimps are, so here's what I made:
Sauteed Shrimps in White Wine

- 2 cups of medium sized shrimps, keep shell on
- 5 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
- butter, olive oil, salt, sugar, black pepper, lime juice, lime zest
- white wine
- italian herb mix (oregano, sage, thyme, rosemary)

Saute garlic in butter mixed with olive oil, add shrimps, season with salt, sugar, black pepper, and herbs mix, add white wine (I added 2 shots), bring to boil, cook until the shrimps turned vibrant red, squirt lime juice and grate lime zest, serve hot, with steamed rice/potatoes/pasta.

So quick, easy and tasty, I literally sucked everything outta the shrimps' shell, including the head. Oppps.

Ehm, would you like a Fructus Lycii with that?

I wouldn't want a fructus lycii with anything, but wolfberries would be great, thanks.

I bet you might want to order a steaming bowl of Smilax Glabra Roxb Soup too! It helps your body combatting Hong Kong notoriously humid summer.

Those would be great names for anyone's first born.
"Meet Mr. Smilax Roxb"
"The Oscar goes to...Smilax Roxb!!!!"
"The name is Roxb, Smilax Roxb"

Damn. Mochachocolata-Rita sounds so pitifully plain right now.


  1. Gojiberry is one of the superfoods along with mangosteen, blueberry, acai berry,etc

  2. want add you msn

  3. yum'oh! shrimp is a fave of mine.. esp on work nights when you need something quick.

  4. Yes, I love fructus lycii... :) But I also love your shrimps in white wine... yuuummy!

  5. Simple and perfect. I always enjoy your photography.

  6. I love the touch of asian (wolfberry) with prawns and white wine :D

  7. Rita...why don't you come work for me? Or better yet, let's open our own place =)
