Monday, May 11, 2009

Pineapple Rum Cake - Devirginizing My New Kitchen

How should I devirginize my new kitchen?
- By sacrificing a virgin suckling pig? Nah, too cruel.
- By spritzing holy water all over it? Ehm, maybe some cleaning solution instead?
- With a prayer? Our Father who art in heaven, please bless this kitchen with less
food disasters...
- With a ceremony involving dancing naked in front of the kitchen window? Hmm, tempting idea, but may result in multiple law suits from the neighbors...

So I opted to go with baking something dead easy instead.
Pineapple Rum Cake

Pineapple and rum? New best friends in my new kitchen!
(yields 6 small muffins and 2 cakes in small ramekins)
- 1 cup all purpose flour
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1/3 cup sugar
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1 egg
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- 2/3 cup milk
- 1 tsp rum
- 3/4 cup pineapple chunks (half of very small pineapple, peel skin, remove core, cut into bite sized chunks, or you can use canned pineapple)

Preheat oven to 180C/350F. Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl, mix all wet ingredients (except pineapple) in a bowl. Mix dry and wet ingredients, add pineapple chunks, pour into muffin tray lined with paper cups until 3/4 full and bake for about 15-20 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean.

? vs !
Now, let me refresh your memory on my old kitchen...

Space? What space? There was almost no working space for me...and don't even think of working on living/dining room. Space is one luxurious thing I couldn't have.

I haven't taken pictures of the whole new kitchen. Surely it is not as spacious as normal kitchens, this is Hong Kong after all, but I am grateful of the every square centimeter (not meter) of working space I could have.

More pictures of the new kitchen coming, stay tuned!

PS. I bet my new kitchen kinda enjoyed the devirginisation ritual. I was gentle. ^_*


  1. OOhh yay for new kitchheennn ^^! and HEE HEE great paint jobs, funny funnyy XD!

  2. Hi Rita,
    I just came across your blog and I must say, your food reviews are making me really hungry!
    I lived in Hong Kong before and I used to go to this tiny Indonesian restaurant behind SOGO in CWB somewhere. They had delicious rice rolls with chicken in banana leaf...mmm.
    Last time I visited HK I couldn't find it! Could you help me out?
    Because I'll be visiting again this this summer. I so want to eat those again (for sentimentality)

    have a good week,


  3. I know what you mean about space in HK as I stayed there for almost 3 years. It's just too precious!

  4. Wow, you really didn't have any countertop space in your old kitchen. At least now you have a space for cutting, slicing and baking. Can't wait to see more pics.

  5. yay for the new kitchen! the muffins look so yummy :)

  6. Rita! Thank you soooo much for letting me know and confirming my fave Indonesian Restaurant is still there! I have many childhood memories of eating there. It means a lot to me!
    How's your kitchen coming along? I remember ours was minuscule and L-shaped. We were champions in optimizing space! hahaha.
    Ahhh *sigh* brings back memories...

  7. I love to see people's kitchen cos I am a "busybody"...hee heee...
    and I heard of the small apts in HK....welcome to urban density.

  8. The suckling pig would've been way to messy. These cakes were a much better choice!

  9. Love new kitchens and it did look like you needed space (and I avoided saying MORE space as it looked like the old kitchen ad NONE). These scrumptious muffins were the perfect kitchen initiation treat!

  10. Pineapple and rhum cakes sound so good!
