Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tom Yum Fried Rice - Mix and Match

Just like how I love mixing and matching my clothes to create the perfect, unique, and fabulous outfit every day (at least that was what I hope to achieve, and the results...well, let's say that there were hits, and there certainly were many misses. Haha!), I love mixing and matching flavor too. I love cross-overs. I love doing savoury versions of sweet things, or Asian/Indonesianized pasta dishes, or dry versions of soupy things, (or vice versa) just like what I've done here.

Who doesn't love the wonderful flavors of Tom Yum? The fresh tang, the kicks from the heat, and super fragrant scent? It was love at first slurp. So, I've decided to use the wonderful flavors of Thai Tom Yum, on a fried rice dish. It's not rocket science difficult, as I always like easy-no-fuss-no-muss executions, and it's not exactly super creative, as I am sure everyone loves the flavors of tom yum on anything, but it surely was tasty!

Tom Yum Fried Rice

(serves 4)
- 2 cups of rice, cooked the day before, refrigerate overnight
- 0.5 lb of shrimp, deshelled, deveined
- 0.5 lb minced meat
- a handful of straw mushrooms, halved or quartered
- 4 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
- 1 onion, finely chopped
- 3 red chilli, thinly sliced
- juice of 1 lime, lime zest
- olive oil, fish sauce
- 2 packs of tomyum instant seasoning paste
- freshly chopped corriander for garnish (I didn't use it as SC is suddenly allergic to it)

Marinate shrimps and minced meat in lime juice, grated zest of 1 lime, and fish sauce, while preparing the other ingredients. Saute shrimps in hot oil until just cooked, set aside. Saute garlic, chilli, and onion in hot olive oil, add minced meat, add mushrooms, add tomyum seasoning paste, add rice (bit by bit) and mix well. Throw in shrimps, garnish with freshly chopped corriander.

I am submitting this for Masak Bareng (Cooking Together) Montly Event, the current theme is Fried Rice. Check out the site for more delicious fried rice creations.

Tom yum fried rice, fly me to carb heaven...up up up high...


  1. Mantebbb udang e uakeh, tukeran icip2 yuuk rit :D

  2. duhhhhhh...aku rung ngetik ki...
    pdhal fotone wis kawit biyen2...
    Ngetik sek ahhhhhh...

  3. pasti suegeer kayak rasa tom yum. Trus udangnya banyak lagi, hmm...doyan deh yg banyak udangnya :)

  4. Piringnya?? vintage abiiis...kok bs punya gituan?? warisan yak?
    Nasgornya?? hmm...looks so yummy..

  5. Cegluk cegluk...ngiler...ngacai...sepiring..

  6. wow look yummie.... nas gore meh podo kyk aku tp ga pk minced beef n jamur :d cuma udang dang tok ama pete heheh.

    makasih ya udah ikutan MasBar

    Team MasBar

  7. aiiihh.. piringnya bikin ngacay, jd tambah semangat nih buat nyicip :)

  8. wa.... ritong....
    sego garongmu bumbu tom yum...
    iki jangan2 tom yum sing mbiyen gak sido dimeluke masbar yo? hihihi
    tapi boleh juga idemu...

  9. huge shrimps. I love shrimpies!...can I have a bowl please?

  10. both of us putting shrimp as a star on our nasgor huh..:)
    this is my first time joining this fun event.
    Should I leave my link to you too?

  11. Looks good, I used Tom Yam paste to fry rice too. Love it!

  12. Njilih photone ya buat di round up di rmh masak bareng


  13. Minta dong Rit... ='( Sedap buaaaangettt kelihatannya.

  14. to fry the soup or to soup the fry, that is the question... in indo we use similar method, nasi goreng buntut (oxtail fried rice) available almost everywhere... you should give it a try, super yummy!!! (your tom yam fried rice looks super fab, love the styling!)

  15. huaaaaa ini mah pasti enak, secara tom yum gitu loh

    Rit, piring boleh pinjem gak? sehariiiiii aja :))

  16. Yummy tom yum fried rice. I love your bowl too, gorgeous... haven't been visiting much lately, and have been missing a lot of your posts. Will try come back more. :P

  17. Great idea! Love the bowl by the way. So detailed edges!

    And I love the quote "It was love at first slurp". Very creative :)

  18. sedapnya your tom yum fried rice:P

  19. This looks so good! The photos, the dish, the rice ... it all looks perfect and delicious!

  20. yeh yeh, i made this before...very nice :)

  21. Oh yummmm looks and sounds great!

  22. I love Tom yum !!! your Tom Yum fried rice looks delicious .. well done !!And .. I love ur mix and match with clothing too.. I don't think u ever missed .. ;-)

  23. I have some tom yum paste and some left over rice and some left over roast pork and will definitely make this tomorrow! Thank you!

  24. jadi pengen tau rasane Rit, kayaknya segerrrrr :D

  25. YUM! One of my favourite ideas too! It taste good with bee hoon-and a fried egg as welL!

  26. Your fried rice looks so yummilicious!!
    And I love your plate!!! :)
    May I know where you get those plates? Really wanna get my hands on some...

    ^_^ Thanks in advance!!

  27. Hi Stephanie, and others who might love the gorgeous plate ^_^

    I got them from a shop in Prince Building, Central, Hong Kong. Indigo used to stock this series too, I am not sure if they still have them now though...they are cheap and they look like a million dollars!

  28. mba...unik, mesti rasane syeger asem. Jadi pengen nyoba deh tom yum fried rice????

  29. yummiiii
    pake udang terus bumbu tomyum haduh kebayang maknyusnya itu lohhhh
    aku link yah blognya say

  30. Hi Rita... Thanks for your info!! I'm love collecting dinnerwares+servewares!! :) Please pardon my next stupid question... Is Indigo a name of a shop? Any online website from Indigo? I'm not from HK. :)

  31. Hi Stephanie, I'll visit the shop at lunch time to get contact details and let you know :)
