Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Mixed Mushrooms & Balls Easy Stir Fry - The Hotpot Doggie Bag Aftermath

My hotpot aftermath. Doesn't look that bad, does it? Well, I think it looks acceptable for something out of a doggie bag, it's easy and taste pretty darn delicious!

I mentioned it was an aftermath...an aftermath of whatttt exactly? Ehm, this Hotpot Food Fest for three, and those dishes weren't the only things...there were more!

I knew some people who hate-hate-hate to pack a doggie bag, even if there were tonnes of food left over. I am not one of those people. I pretty much requested for a doggie bag every time there's anything decent left, and I didn't even bother pretending that I have a dog. I AM the dog!

What was left from that delicious hotpot feast? A couple handfuls of meat and fishballs, and mixed mushrooms. The kind service lady gave us not only a bag, but a helpful advice on how to make the most out of our doggie bag, and here it goes...

Mixed Mushrooms and Balls Easy Stir Fry

(as if you needed any)
- Mixed mushrooms
- Mixed fish and meat balls, boil and drain
- Dark soy sauce, pepper, sugar, olive oil
- 4 cloves of garlic, crushed

Saute garlic in hot olive oil, add mushrooms, saute until a bit wilted with a bit of brownage, add balls, season with soy sauce, pepper, and sugar. Serve with noodles or steamed rice.

If everything that comes out from a doggie bag can be this delish, then ARF! ARF!


  1. hehehe., Oh yeah! Sometimes< I used black bean sauce too! That loooks sooo good!

  2. Fabulous idea - can't let any of those great ingredients go to waste!

  3. Looks yummy. I love those glass noodles that you served it on...

  4. It looks so good :). Doesn't look like at all from a doggie bag! Simple, easy, and delicious. Mmm...

  5. i envy you...but heck its cool to enjoy food :-)

  6. funny...but i agree, i'm not ashamed to ask for a doggie bag, afterall, we paid for that food! and that dish looks yummy!!

  7. Girl, I just LOVE they way you write, you make an everyday experience turned into something hilarious and enjoyable to read! and that bit about "I AM the dog" just cracks me up, all the time!!!!

    Love you lots, Rita!

  8. Hot pooooott! but too hot right nooww maybe a month or so XD Looks tasty but!

  9. miss those hotpots day... even the leftovers mix looks delish! *drool
