Friday, February 6, 2009

Chinese Sausages & Preserved Duck Rice - Maximum Flavors, Minimum Effort

I was contemplating posting another eating spree from my Jakarta trip, but I changed my mind, fearing that I'd piss off my fellow Indonesian bloggers living overseas, who might be missing the posted food absolutely terribly (hehe joooking!). Plus, I need to get my groove back.

If I stayed off the kitchen for too long....
- the cooking skill downgrade might cause more kitchen disasters (entertainment for some of my readers, but not so much for my patrons)
- I will have less budget for fashion, as more money will be spent on dining out (NOOOO!!! I need shoes. More shoes!)
- my pricey kitchen appliances might be depressed due to lack of activity and might need to go on some kind of therapy
- my credibility in front of sc's parents will dramatically go south
- my coworkers who normally get some free baked goods will stop helping me at work...
...and my life will effectively be ruined.

Enough exaggeration.

I didn't feel like doing anything complicated. The risk of a disastrous dish is too high, and I've never been much of a gambler. Fortunately, we received some Chinese sausages and preserved duck meat from sc's mom. Oh yeah, I could do a dish with maximum flavors and it requires minimum effort.

Chinese Sausages & Preserved Duck Rice

The red ones are the regular Chinese sausages, and the darker ones are the liver sausages. That reminds me, I should put on some sunblock when going out, or I might get as wrinkly as these sausages.

If you don't eat pork, you can opt for this preserved duck meat. Once steamed, they go tender and tasty, infusing loads of flavor into your rice.

(serves 4)
- 2 pcs red Chinese sausages (each piece to be cut into 3 parts)
- 2 pcs dark (liver) Chinese sausages (each piece to be cut into 3 parts)
- 1/2 piece of Chinese preserved duck breast (cut into 4 pieces)
- 200ml chicken stock
- sesame oil
- a bunch of fresh corriander (chopped)
- salt, white pepper, sugar, dark soy sauce
- 2 cups of rice
- water

Pour 2 cups of rice into rice cooker, pour chicken stock, add water up to the required level as indicated on the rice cooker, drizzle some sesame oil, add a pinch of salt, white pepper, and sugar. Wash and wipe dry pieces of sausage and preserved duck meat. Place pieces of sausages vertically into the rice, place the preserved duck meat on top of the rice, and start cooking. Once the done, pour some dark soy sauce, add freshly chopped corriander and mix well (leaving some fresh corriander for garnish).

If you don't have a rice cooker, you can do it in a regular sauce pot with a lid (a non stick one would be better), or a claypot.

The rice comes out richly flavored by the sausages and meat, smoky from the dark soy, and satiny smooth from the oil. The freshly chopped corriander added the needed freshness.

Watch out, people. I am officially back. Man, it feels good!


  1. mbayangin creamy-ne ketoke patut dicoba iki Rit..

  2. Love your food blog! Absolutely fabulous. I love your photo too, which camera you're using if I may ask?

  3. Yuummm I love the liver sausages mmmmmm! and the rice is so beautifully flavoursome, it's brilliant!

  4. Guess what? I have the same bowl as you have in the pictures which I bought from one of chinese and South-East Asian store here.

    The preserved duck is looking good

  5. I always amaze with your food. They are look so delicious! I wish you were my neighbor.

  6. The universe is trying to tell me something. This claypot rice looks extremely, extremely yummy!

  7. welcome back babe!!!! I love chinese sausages .. but ..hmm.. not preserved duck ..

  8. I like the "Maximum Flavors, Minimum Effort" approach! heee heee....
    just done similar too ;p

  9. What do you mean you need to get your groove back? I can barely keep up with you!

    I love these sausages! I really really love them. I buy them in Chinatown new-york all the time. Yum!

  10. Rita, is this dish similar to lo mai kai?

  11. Mmmm. Love these types of rice! I agree, when the sausage and rice are cooked together the rice gets such a great flavor. Even if it is just the sausage by itself it is so good!

  12. My mom used to make those once a while,
    Ahh you just gave me a serious homesick!

  13. I see these sausages hanging at my local Chinese supermarket. I'm going to just buy some and taste test.

  14. i love this!!! this is an old favorite, a comfort food... thanks for sharing your recipe... :)

  15. aahhh that looks so delicious. what i would give to have that for din-din tonight. x

  16. how not to love recipes like these that are max flavour, min fuss? Looks delicious, and I luv your cutlery too :D

  17. Made this last night. It was yummy and fast. When it was cooking in the rice cooker, my hubby kept saying..smell so fabulous, when will it be ready :)
    Thanks for the recipe Rita!
