Thursday, January 29, 2009

Social House at Harvey Nichols Jakarta - It's Hot to be Hip

Several light years ago, when I was living in Jakarta, I remembered what it was like being young and hip.

Wearing whatever's hot from Esprit and Benetton (oh yeah, those two were the "it" brands back then) or Mangga Dua Grocer (I might've been trendy, but I was as cheap as I am now. Haha), trying out McDonald's just when they opened the first branch at Sarinah, dining out and watching movies at Planet Hollywood (HAHAHA!) being told by our server "Choose your meal carefully, this is not the cheap McDonald's value meal
you guys are used to" (Oh my, if he told us that now, we'd probably complain the crap outta him). Oh boy, those were the times when we felt dining at Sizzler was a major gastronomic experience.

Although I am no longer hip nor happening, every time I visit Jakarta, my sis would bring me to Jakarta's hottest dining spots. This trip, she brought me to this fabulous restaurant/bar/winepost, Social House at Harvey Nichols.

We went there for an afternoon tea, right after a day of intense shopping. We needed comfy sofas to give our sore feet a break, fabulously packaged caffein and sugar to replenish ourselves, and a breathtaking view for our foreign visitor (and me, lil' miss photo opportunist). Social House has it all.

The iced and hot cappucino came gorgeous, the iced lemon tea is no ordinary fair. It's served with fresh mint leaves and lemon sorbet. It was even more fantastic than mojito. Perfect for those who are allergic to alcohol (i.e. me)

Nothing made us order more drinks than a once-you-pop-you-can't-stop, thirst-inducing, delicious snack. The kacang telor (Indonesian snack of peanuts covered in spiced flour) were fantastic. Crispy and tasty.

The chocolate cake was baked to perfection. Rich, moist, gooey, chocolatey, with a touch of cream and berries.

It was every bit as amazing as it looks.

The mixed berries creme brulee converted this berry hater. It was a beautiful combination of the creaminess of the base, crackling sugary sweetness of the top, and the tartness of the berries.

We were lucky to have a corner spot overlooking bundaran Thamrin. The view even had the locals like me impressed, I was snapping away like a mad woman. Thus the intense backache that followed. Bah!

Bootylicious? Not!!!

A word of wisdom after a meal? long as it encourages more eating :)

The view gets even more amazing at the magic hour.

It's worth all the backaches and sore shoulders.

Yummy treats from Soho and jewelries from Forever 21. A great day for me and my girls.


  1. Amazing food photos! It is certainly not easy to do the swirling on the coffee. And that iced tea looks so yummy!

    Like the new header of your blog by the way.

  2. Oooh what a nice place and awesome fountain :)
    That souffle is divinnneee! I wannntttt yummm!
    Haha bootylicious Beyonce style ;)

  3. riittt aku iki baru buka YM, ternyata ada pesen dari dirimu...:D, sampe kapan di Indo, tapi napa namamu ra ono di list ku yo ? hikkss

  4. Oh my GAWD you're in Jakarta? I AM SO JEALOUS!!! AHHH!!!

  5. Sounds wonderful. All the food looks outstanding and I'd love to visit that area. Your photography is getting better and better, you gotta teach me your tricks! I have yet to learn how to use my new camera in manual mode.

  6. i cannot get over those drinks and desserts! they're like artwork!

  7. Everything loos so good, especially the iced tea.

  8. it's nice to be at home during CNY!! Gong Hei Fatt Choy!!

  9. Damn it! I miss Jakarta now. Even though, Jakarta is not my favourite city in Indonesia. Really, I miss the crowds.

  10. hmmn... i want to have those capuccino's now.. and the souffle, heaven! I assume that's your sister and mom? you guys are pretty!

  11. I've read about this place in while holidaying in Bali last month. The iced lemon tea looks super delicious!

  12. I'm so jealous. I'd like a sister too that can take me too posh places, dammit. Lovely photos, especially the first one!

  13. You are totally hip and happening, babe!

  14. Very cool place... it's like a High Tea in Indo or something. The iced tea looks interesting!

    And the view is gorgeous... that area in Jakarta is prolly one of the coolest/prettiest spots in Jakarta. It feels very metropolitan, very urban!
