Friday, January 9, 2009

Easy Spicy Pineapple Minced Beef with Green Peas

I am keeping it simple this time.

I love the four S(es) in food: Spicy. Sweet. Sour. Savoury.

Spicy = tiny bits of red chilli
Sweet = ripe pineapple, onion and green peas
Sour = still from the pineapple
Savoury = garlic and minced beef

This was done when sous chef was still in low iodine diet. I was amazed how little seasoning I had to add to make this dish flavorful. For your information, sous chef is now like a culinary prisoner on the loose, ravishing everything he was not allowed to eat. Ehm. That can't be good.

Easy Spicy Pineapple Minced Beef with Green Peas

- 1 small ripe pineapple (you can replace it with canned pineapple, but it is best if you can get fresh, ripe pineapple), cut into bite sized chunks
- 3 chilli, chopped (adjust to match your heat tolerance)
- 1 onion, diced
- 3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
- 1 lb minced beef
- 3/4 cup green peas
- olive oil, salt, pepper, sugar

Saute garlic, chilli, onion in hot oil until fragrant, throw in minced beef, you will see it change color, add pineapple chunks, add green peas, season, done.

You can also incorporate rice/noodles/pasta into this dish. Ah, it's more than just 4 S, it's SSSH! H for healthy ^_^ (oh man, can someone stop her from being so cheesy?).

My telephatical-mind readerish radar sensed that sous chef is sick of my cooking and will want KFC for tonight's dinner. Yum! Oh, maybe that's just me.


  1. I love those flavours in a dish! Goes really well with rice.

  2. mmmmm such a wonderful looking dish. I am sure it taste really good with rice.

  3. nyoba ah nanti, Rit. eh itu teko, lutuw bener

  4. Hahaha, I like cheesy!

    This looks like a perfect dish with all the 4 esses.:)

  5. what a great colorful combine!! I like pineapple wt minced meat!!

  6. I like the sound of using pineapple in a dish like this.

  7. that sounds delicious! the pineapple sounds great!

  8. I love your picture! The colors and the setting are perfect!

  9. lookkkkkk yummyyy...bikin ngilerrr wae iku

  10. Shh..I sorta love KFC too once a while. Pake nasi. Yum!! Nga pernah coba masak pake nenas nih...hmm..maybe kalau pas bikin sweet sour dishes gitu ya. But otherwise, never and this dish you made..kayanya perlu dicoba nih.

  11. omg...this looks so yummy and fast. I love it!

  12. this is a great dish, did you add any type of seasoning to the ground beef? Well thanks for the recipe, i've got a pretty easy beef recipe on my page, come check it out when you get the chance.
