Saturday, December 13, 2008

Lemon Curry Grilled Pork Neck & Spicy Pineapple Zucchini Stir Fry

Maybe I am crazy, but I hate taking naps. When I took afternoon/evening naps, especially on weekends, it felt like I had wasted a good few hours sleeping when I could be doing something else (like updating this freakin' blog?). When I woke up from naps, I felt feverish, weak, tired, and not at all refreshed. Does anyone else feel the same? What's wrong with me?

I like to be out and about on Fridays. I need to shake the weekday feel off and unwind. Dining out, having a drink or two, out shopping with my girls, catching a show, or whatever. Just like how I planned today. We were supposed to have dinner, then go out cruisin' the hood. It didn't happen, and I'd like to blame it on my dinner.

Tasty dishes generally make us consume more rice...and put us to sleep. Sigh.

Lemon Curry Grilled Pork Neck & Spicy Pineapple Zucchini Stir Fry

Lemon Curry Grilled Pork Neck

- 1 lb pork neck, poked all over with fork
- marinate with juice of half lemon, zest of 1 lemon, curry powder, ground cumin, ground corriander seed, salt, pepper, sugar for at least 30 minutes
Preheat oven to 250C. Grill pork neck until golden brown, slice and serve

Spicy Pineapple Zucchini Stir Fry
- 4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
- 3 red chilli, chopped
- half onion, finely chopped
- 1 small pineapple, remove core, cut into bite sized chunks
- 1 zucchini, cut into 3 mm thick chunks
- olive oil, salt, pepper, sugar
Saute garlic, chilli, onion in hot oil until fragrant, add pineapple and zucchini, cook until zucchini pieces are softened, season, serve

The spicy, savoury, tangy, and sweet flavors of these dishes pretty much ruined my Friday. Hmm, but at least I got high.........on carb.


  1. I love pork and am definitely going to give your recipe a try.

  2. I'll have that grilled pork neck and skip the zucchini cos feel like meat NOW! :p

  3. Ooohh yummmyyy ^^! Never tried lemon curry before but so want too nooww :)

    Hmm I love taking naps haha but only power naps so only about half an hour to 45 mins. If you nap too long you can feel groggy and unrested so maybe try a short nap next time :)

  4. Looks splendid although i don't eat much pork! I am sure my bro would love this... will pass it on :)

  5. ntar kalo rajinnya udah dateng lagi, aku bikin pake ayam ahhhhhhh

  6. pineapple and meat, good combination! saya ga makan pork, seperti sefa kayaknya ganti ayam aja dweh.

  7. That's why you should never take a nap ALONE Rita! That's the advice of the Zenman and it's free.

    Nap or no nap.. looks quite tasty to me. :-)

  8. Lemon and curry? SOunds like a delicious combination! Must try! :)

  9. That definitely happens to me! Long naps = groggy and cranky for hours after. A friend told me that 5- to 15-minute power naps are the way to go—and sitting up is key! Never, ever lie down!

    Your meal looks scrumptious to me.

  10. Lemon curry sounds wonderful. I'm going to give it a try.
