Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Black Pepper Beef & Mushrooms Fusili

I love the humble lil' fusili. Call it common, call it boring, call it unimaginative. Whatever. I still love it. Everything about it. The spiral shape that traps bits and pieces of goodness from the dish, the way it catches the light and look all pretty on a plate, and how I could just gobble a spoonful without having to maneuver them with a fork. I suck at that. I can never manage to roll spaghetti with a fork elegantly, then nonchalantly bring it to my mouth and eat it without losing a huge portion of my lipstick or smearing my face with pasta sauce. I normally savagely grab whatever I could with a fork and loudly slurp the rest, and lick the plate clean hehe (that is not a pretty sight - this is why I don't normally order spaghetti outside the enclosed perimeters of my flat). I am also partial to all kinds of flat pasta, such as lasagna, fettuccini and tagliatelle. Maybe they remind me of my favorite Chinese flat rice noodles (hor fun/kway teow).

Enough pasta bullshite already! Let me continue to bore you with this...
Black Pepper Beef and Mushroom Fusili

Another math lesson, guys (by the way, I suck at math too. Luckily this is a no brainer math)
Beef + mushrooms = good
Good + garlic = fantastic
Fantastic + black pepper = freaking fantastic
Freaking fantastic + pasta = super freaking perfect

Hmm...I don't think I need to write this recipe...but oh, well.
(serves 2)
- 4 handfuls of fusili
- 0.7 lb thinly sliced nicely marbled beef (if available, the one for sukiyaki)
- 0.5 lb straw mushrooms, halved (or any other mushrooms)
- 4 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
- olive oil, water, salt (with no iodine, you can use normal sea salt), black pepper

Boil pasta according to directions in the packet. While pasta is boiling, saute garlic in a bit of olive oil (the beef will release some additional fat, so you don't need to use a lot of oil), add beef, add mushrooms, sprinkle black pepper (I like quite a lot of it), season with salt, add pasta, mix well. Done and done.

Sharing this with Presto Pasta Night's Gang, created by Ruth of Once Upon a Feast, hosted this week by lovely Daphne from More Than Words

Other Low Iodine Recipes...

Surprisingly yummy Eggless Milkless Chocolate Cake


  1. u are amazing rita! What creativity to cook healthy and delicious dishes. Thanks for your entry-I love anything mushrooms and black pepper!

  2. pasta + jamur.. wes,doyan bgt aku.. kpn2 njajal,mumpung due stok pasta sak lemari..wkwkwk <---koleksi pasta

  3. nah iku bentuke koyok kwetiaw. gepeng2 putih. tp dikemas panjang2 ky fettuccini. jd orak mlungker2 ky kwetiaw. enake dgawe opo iku? rasane ky apa aku rg weruh.

  4. Rit gelem iki...pasta is my fave...Bianca ikut aku...doyane pasta!

  5. I do love your posts AND of course your pastas. Thanks for sharing this simple and simply fantastic pasta with Presto Pasta Nights.

  6. Beef and pasta - how much better could it get?

  7. Rit... numpang makan boleh?
    Gue kenapa ya... kurang suka pasta, kayaknya udah kepelet sama indomie sih ya :))

    tapi jamur aku sukaaaaaaaaaaaa

  8. very, very creative!!! i'll show this recipe to hubby and will let him cook this... thanks!!! :)

  9. Wah, that looks so yummy. I guess you gave me the idea what to cook. Hehe.. It's definitely something everyone likes.

  10. This looks great. Fusili are a wonderful pasta type. It makes a better vehicle for the sauce! Your sauce looks delightful and perfect for a weeknight meal.

  11. I love the combination of black pepper and beef. . .in fact, I have some roast beef in the fridge. I might have this goodness tonight.

    Looks fabulous and I'm with you re the lazy eating.

  12. I love that this only has a few ingredients but it's still so full of flavor. Delicious recipe.

  13. wat a simple dish..and very fusion too..almost as if its a chinese dish eh?

  14. I love black pepper, I love mushrooms, I love rita's pasta dish XD

  15. Thanks ya Mba Rita, balik lagi ke dapurku kalo mau lihat Telitubbies birtday cake-nya Ellyn ya..

  16. I just love that word: fusili... hehe looks tasty!

  17. I just cooked fusili with tuna. Yours look so appetizing with the black pepper! Luv it!

  18. I just cooked fusili with tuna. Yours look so appetizing with the black pepper! Luv it!

  19. This beef and mushroom pasta sounds perfect!
