Monday, October 27, 2008

Strawberry Cream Cheese Muffins

I used to have this unexplainable hatred towards strawberry anything.
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry cheesecake
Strawberry pudding
Strawberry jam
Eugh! Blegh! Welgh!
But I didn’t get it. They are fragrant, nutritious, healthy, refreshing, nice and pretty to look at...but I couldn't bring myself to like them. I guess the chemistry was just not there.
I could eat fresh strawberries...but only and only if they are super sweet, super juicy, super premium quality, which I totally can NOT afford, thus, hardly eat. LOL! (They are normally sold at HKD78/USD10 per itsy bitsy teeny tiny pack). Yes, I am a high maintenance, picky, strawberry non-eater.

So what changed me? Nothing fancy. It’s McDonald’s Strawberry Sundae! LOL. From that cup on, it’s all I want, and I can’t believe I am saying this, but these days, I want it even more than my former favorite, the Chocolate Sundae.

My newfound love for items slathered with strawberry jam opened a whole new window of opportunities, and I went straight back to something I roughly know how to do (i.e. didn’t screw up too often)….muffins ^_^Strawberry Jam & Cream Cheese Muffins

Dry Ingredients
- 1 cup plain flour
- ½ tsp baking powder
- ½ tsp baking soda
- 6 tbsp sugar
- ½ tsp salt
Wet Ingredients
- 3 tbsp strawberry jam
- 1 egg
- ½ cup milk
- ¼ cup vegetable oil
- 1 tsp vanilla essence
- 6 pieces of 1x1 cm cream cheese cubes
- 6 x ½ tsp strawberry jam

Preheat oven to 180C. Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl, make a well in the middle. Mix all the wet ingredients, pour into dry ingredients, mix roughly, pour 1-2 tbsp batter into greased muffin tray (or lined with paper cups), add 1 cube of cream cheese and ½ tsp strawberry jam, top off with more batter until almost full. Bake for about 20-25 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean.

OK, so now I am loving strawberry jam…which is basically sugar ^_^…but who knows…maybe soon I’ll be craving these healthy berries daily? Em…don’t get your hopes up :p


  1. stole my line...picky, high-maintenance:p
    But I am the opposite of you...i LOVE strawberries...oh my, especially those from California:)
    The prices are definitely not so lovable're right...but I'm glad you like strawberries now...hehe, welcome to the club!

  2. wow.. I just saw today that you were in Manila! Glad you enjoyed your trip, and boy, you've eaten almost everything you had to try, i should say.. hahahha.. and congrats on the balut challenge! I'm a filipina, but I'd never have survived it! They say the best way to eat it is in the dark so you don't have to see it! :o)
    By the way, your muffin is awesome.

  3. Strawmaberries! Haha converted by Maccas -___- I;m not a fan of Maccas but strawberries are awesome and your muffins look so!

  4. These muffins look so good, and I can't believe you didn't like Strawberries!! Welcome to the strawberry world!

  5. strawberry cream cheese muffins.... waw! biasanya aku pake menu penutup... kereeeeeen n lezaaat n ma'nyuuuusss, meskipun namanya ga persis......, salam dari indonesia, bandung.

  6. I am taking some of your muffin, is it all right? *wink* Imagine eating this muffin with a cup of coffee in the chilly morning. That must be nice.

  7. You should try making homemade strawberry jam, though if strawberries are that expensive there, maybe not. Love the combo of cream cheese & jam. Yum!

  8. We love you even if you are high maintenance. :) These muffins look wonderful!

  9. thanks for the encouragement, guys...i'll continue to find ways to love these healthy berries :)

  10. Anything with strawberries AND cream cheese has got to be good! ;)
