Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Siomay Bandung: Off to KL!

Guys, I hate goodbyes, and I've said it this morning, tearfully, to my gas stove, wok, muffin tray, oven and my beloved whisk....I'm off to Kuala Lumpur for work...and will be back in about a week. It might be short but I'm gonna miss them (Aiya! I am gonna miss you guys too lah, SC & blogging pals ^_^)

I hope this time I get to see more than my hotel room, meeting room and the conference hall (sob sob). While I am away, here's something to munch on:

Remember the
trio wontons I made previously? Here's another way to have them, the Indonesian way :)

"Siomay Bandung"

Why the quotation marks? Because it could not be further than authentic. Maybe I should have called it steamed wontons in peanut sauce instead? Hehe

To make the wontons, check out my previous post
Steam the wontons until the meat is cooked through, drizzle with peanut sauce, kecap manis, chilli sauce, lime juice, fried shallot and freshly chopped corriander. The fish paste filled wontons taste closer to the original siomay bandung, however, the pork and shrimp filled ones are yummy too!

I used gado-gado ready made peanut sauce, and sometimes I use pecel ready made peanut sauce. If those aren't available, you can use ready made satay sauce...or make your own (I'll find a good recipe for you guys later ^_^)

KL, ready or not, here I come to eat my ass off!


  1. Bon Voyage! Bring back pictures! :)

  2. hv a safe trip Rit...will surely miss you!

  3. Have fun in KL! wah... so close to Singapore ... u should just pop by for a day or two, hee ;) Can't wait to hear about your adventures in KL!

  4. Enjoy your trip - see you in a week!!

  5. I wish I can go with u.. Awww.. i miss KL

  6. I'm envious...The food is great. Have a good trip.

    By the way, you've been given this

  7. have fun in KL!! enjoy all those nice food! :D

  8. doyaaannnnn, met jalan-jalan ke KL yaa..:D

  9. Well, good luck on your trip. I just found your wonderfully delish food blog and now you leave. ha ha.
    I love all your recipes here. Right up my tastebud alley.

  10. Have lots of fun!! and dont forget to bring back food posting. =) Dont work too hard!

  11. Have fun in KL! Don't forget to buy back the Inbumie's har mee and mee goreng! ;)

  12. yeah, i did it rita,wonton&siumayyy!!!
    hv fun for the trip.

  13. Rita, you're so lucky. KL/Msia is having food galore now for the ramadhan. Depending on which hotel you're staying at, the hotels would have buffet all day long from breakfast to supper! Dont forget to check out the pasar ramadhan. ;)

  14. I want to go back to KL too,that my hometown!!.Now you make me cry:(.nevermind,don't forget to snap alots of photo especially the foods!.Looking forward your photos:))

  15. Bon voyage Rita...enjoy yourself lah!! My sis was in Kl for many years, & is now in the US...we still use 'lah' a lot...all thanks to her!!

  16. hati-hati dijalan ya Rit :)jgn lopa jd paparazi culiner di KL ya

  17. Wontons in peanut sauce sounds really good! Have a great trip!!

  18. Ritaaaaaa... apakabar neng? kangen euyyy..
    itu siomaynya enak bener.. berniatkah dirimu mengirimkan ke Jerman utk buka puasa?
    *yg ada namanya ganti bukan siomay lagi kali ya*

  19. wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh somay Bandung !!! mau bangetttt. Lagi libur di KL ya Rita? duh aku ketinggalan berita bgt deh
