Thursday, September 25, 2008

Easy Bacon, Corn and Zucchini and My Pot Envy

Bacon, bacon, bacon.

Why isn't there a restaurant called "BACON" or "PANCETTA"? (or whatever fancy word that means bacon)...and bacon shall magically appear in every parts of the menu, beautifully stuck in the servers' cleavage (and we can pull 'em with our teeth-hoho), everything else only exist to glorify the majestic flavor of bacon, and I shall go home smelling deliciously like bacon. Hehe.

...and with the dish below, we can either flavor something healthy with bacon (and turn it unhealthy by adding wayyy too much bacon until all the good vegetables are buried and unrecognizable) or turning bacon to be something healthy (by adding more vegetables). Your choice ;)

Bacon, Corn & Zucchini

(everything's adjustable to suit your taste)
- 1 can of corn kernels, drained
- 1 medium zucchini, cut into cubes, marinate with some salt to remove excess water, then rinse
- a few (or many) strips of bacon, cut into chunks
- salt, black pepper, sugar (optional)

Pan fry bacon pieces in a non stick pan (you don't need any oil for this), add corn kernels, add zucchini, cook until everything are cooked through, season with a bit of salt, sugar, and black pepper if necessary (probably not hehe, it should already taste fan-bloody-tastic)

That's it. I must stop this ridiculous crush on bacon (although I think it is not possible), and move on to bitch about my major pot envy. My sneaky, sneaky sis went back to my home town in Semarang, and cleverly raided my mom's kitchen! That biyatch!...and she scored this lovely little old tin pot in which we used to carry our take away food, and some gorgeous old pale salted egg blue tin plates. What's the big deal, right? Just get more from my mom....I wish!!! Those are the only ones left! ARRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!

Maybe I could ask my mom to raid my auntie's or cousin's place?


  1. I totally agree with you about bacon! I have not find anything with bacon that is not good. Oh, talking about raid in kitchen. Well, I am the only girl in my mom's kitchen is easy, but I have raided both of my grandmas' as well!!

  2. Take me on your wildest bacon fantasies. . .I follow willingly. . .;)

  3. MMmmm Baconnnnn indeed!! I sooo want to try this

  4. Rita, did your know bacon makes the world go round? It is true!

  5. duh itu panci, lutu banget Rit. di Berlin deket rumah dulu, ada toko yg khusus jual perabotan dari tin gitu. menggiurkan banget, dari termos sampe tray dkk.

  6. I completely agree. Bacon makes life better.

  7. I love raiding my grandma's kitchen as well! Alot of precious finds. hehe.

    And u r so right about bacon. The best thing is that they make everything taste goood!

  8. Bacon rocks! This corn and zucchini dish sounds perfect - especially because of the bacon.

    I'd be bummed if my sister got some cool dishes from my mother too.

  9. kalo disini ada mirip masakan itu namanya pytt ipanne..pake smoke bacon :D

  10. That pot is really lovely...Maybe you two could share it... Each one gets it for 6 months....

  11. If there is such restaurant out there, I would love to know because I'd be a frequent patron!! This sounds wonderful! And I can see why you have pot envy - that is gorgeous!

  12. Oh, one step behind your sis huh. Ya ya, better go to your aunt's quick before sis gets there. You are too funny - bacon off the cleavage. Had me in stitches.

  13. kayaknya bisa diganti sosis kali ya Rit..btw bener kata mindy itu panci lucuuww bangetss :P

  14. Oh that pot is cute! I want! I want! And pale blue plates too you say?

  15. I love bacon too eventhought it's not healthy,what the heck,just whack with fried rice,...yumyum!!

  16. Bacon. Bacon. One can never have to much bacon. I love my husband because tonight as I was washing the dishes he went into the fridge and got me a piece of bacon (we had cooked a package for a dish and had a few leftover). Nothing says love like bacon feeding :)

  17. The restaurant named "Bacon" is waiting for you the lady boss!

  18. Gosh, we were craving bacon so much and seeing your title just had us really excited. Love the dish and the sweet corn is an added bonus!!

  19. hehe ... hi5 tigerfish comment ... and we want big discounts ok ;) Love this healthy version :D
