Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Threesome, Anyone? (I meant Three Ways of Wontons)

I love the idea of threesome. In fact, more than threesome! Bring on the gang b*ng of flavors and let's party!

I was talking about food (I always do, right?), specifically wontons. They are the Chinese version of dumplings or ravioli? (I am not gonna discuss and debate who invented what here hehe). They are so versatile and super easy to make! I love making a big batch, freeze them, and have them the way I want them anytime (is it just me or it gets a lil hotter here? Hehe).

Here's how I "do"...
Wontons - Three Ways

Wonton Ingredients
- 1 pack of wonton skin (has anyone tried using ravioli skin instead?)
- 1 lb minced pork
- 0.75 lb smallish shrimps (deshelled, deveined)
- 1 small clove of garlic, finely chopped
- a few sprigs of spring onion, finely chopped
- 2 tbsp oyster sauce
- a few tbsp corn starch (depends how sticky you like them to be, I personally love mine very sticky and starchy)
- chicken stock powder (optional), salt, pepper, sugar
- a bit of sesame oil

Mix all ingredients together well, except for skin.

Here's how I fold wontons, three ways:
Remember not to put too much filling and your they will burst before all the actions even begin (hehe)

and see how adorable they are...

...and here are my three favorite ways to have them:
1. Wonton Soup

I used a simple soup of chicken stock, a dash of oyster sauce, sesame oil, pepper, salt, sugar, with vegetables. Boil your wontons separately (wonton skin has a distinct scent which I don't like), and serve with the soup. Serve with Chinese chilli oil and vinegar for condiments, garnish with fried garlic flakes and chopped spring onion.

You can go crazy with the soup. Think beef with Chinese five spice soup, ginger soy chicken soup, tomyum soup, satay soup, curry soup base, and so on...

2. Deep Fried Wontons

Fry wontons in medium heat until golden brown. Serve with chilli sauce, or mayo, or even dip them into the wonton soup base, drenched in kecap manis, tres Indonesian! Hehe

3. Wontons in Spicy Sauce

This dish is very popular in Hong Kong's Shanghaiese restaurants. My version is absolutely NOT authentic. I pretty much just throw whichever spicy sauce I love :p
Boil wontons, drain. Prepare sauce on a plate, I use bean chilli sauce (dau ban jeong), Chiu Chowese chilli oil, dark soy sauce, sesame oil and a dash of vinegar). Feel free to mix and match or create your own sauce. If you don't like it hot (really?), oyster sauce with dark soy sauce will work too ;) Garnish with fried garlic flakes and or chopped spring onions

Sharing this recipe with Presto Pasta Night's gang, invented by Ruth, hosted this week by Kitchenetta

Sous chef, if you are reading, this is only about food. Don't start getting any ideas from this post, okie?


  1. funny post, and ...fantastic trio of won tons. Thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights.

  2. thanks a lot for the sketch how to wrap wonton! you really are my hero, Rita ;)

  3. wkwkwkwk.. kirain opo toh jebule pangsit guyeng,ma pangsit rebus hehehe... syeger iku ..po meneh nek kene lg udan ngene :(( pgn sek anget-2 :)

  4. The last folding is like Siu Mai! I fold mine in another way. Ok. If my drawing skills pass "kindergarten" level, I will share it over my blog :P

  5. Dirimu ki bakat dadi guru yo Rit? njelasine pake gambar gamblang banget..sip sip!

    btw Rit, si SC ga pernah ditampilin mukanya? ayo sekali2 dipublish...hehehe..(onok sing penasaran ki..)

  6. Perfect illustrations! You're so talented - not just with food, also with drawings and words!

  7. thanks for the comments, guys!

    tigerfish, pls show me your way of foldin wonton skin...hehe i'd love to learn :)

    lidia, hehehe ntar kapan2 pasti di posting kok, doi demen difoto HAHA

  8. Great post! Only recently tried using wonton wrappers, I wish I'd had your illustrations then! (Try using them when you're making ravioli too!!)

  9. wahahahaha!! I like your sense of humour, lol! And really professional and beautiful illustrations ... you should patent them!! ;)

  10. Such awesome graphics!! you draw Manga stuff too? ;) I will definetly think of this 'threesome' next time when I have Asian dinner night. Three dishes come out from one recipe!

  11. Beautiful! I think they all look fantastic. I am sure they tasted as good as they look. The illistrations are great too!

  12. I like the picture illustration. Make it so easy to visualise. Love wontons and great idea to make and store them in freezer. Goodbye to supperless nights!

  13. Ha! I bet more than just sous chef is getting ideas from the title of this post. ;)

    I've done all three methods too, usually depending on how lazy I am. :P

  14. Yum! I love wontons in all three ways that you mentioned. :)

  15. Wow, these are amazing, and I love the instructions, too. I never know the right way to make wontons....until now! Thanks for your submission!

  16. Pake sambel botol yang banyaaaaaak..qiqiqiqi.. gilee..untung ga lagi hamil gue, sampe ngencesss..

  17. Well, well Miss Rita. Aren't you the naughty dish. :)

  18. LOL - that post title sure got my attention. Thanks for the step by step guide on rolling wantons.

  19. we love the wontons in spicy sauce!! cool blog and great pictures!! Come by our site sometime!

  20. wonderful! aku jg suka banget tuh pangsit kuah pake cai sim :D

    koq gak bisa ya dimasukin ke google reader. aku gak punya google reader, jadi gak tau caranya. apa gak bisa pake URL aja?

  21. Rit, perlu yg ini bukan?

  22. My husband saw the post and loved it! I guess I'll be making wontons next week......:)

  23. "gang b*ng of flavors" will have me laughing all night long :) If I had to pick, I'd eat #3...if I wasn't allowed a threesome, that is.

  24. Wontons? You mean tortellini right? LOL

    I love wontons and deep-fried is probabl my favourite!

  25. hi rita, glad your husband liked the idea of wontons...and not the ....ehm haha are allowed all 3 of course! hehe

  26. OMG Rita, this is amazing. Wow, so beautiful. And do you do the drawings? Do you? Again amazing!

  27. hi cathy! haha yeah, those are all me :)

  28. Excellent graphics. I first had wontons in a soup about 33 years ago at a famous (for London) chinese restaurant, the wong ki, and I still remember how gobsmacked I was at the taste. Hooked on them ever since.

  29. I love Wontons! All three versions are wonderful! Tasty little Chinese "raviolis"!



  30. (ooh, good choice on not discussing who came up with what, lol ;)

    I'd like an endless supply of spicy wontons, please. Or maybe the fried ones. And soup whenever it's chilly out. Is it obvious I love wontons? How sad I've never trusted myself to make them!!

  31. Great stuff!! U r hilarious babe! Brings me a small each time I read your blog..

    and i like my wanton with chili!

  32. haha.. I love threesome too ;-p Funny girl . Your wontons look great !!

  33. PANGSIT.......
    pesen pangsit kuah sak mangkok, Rit!!!

    ayo ngedan bareng eh masak bareng yuuuk.....

  34. ditentukan tgl 28 agustus mostingkene waktu setempat, pie sido melu pora ?kan gampang kui temane...:p

  35. I love wontons, and what a lovely re-introduction to these little dumplings of delight! And a how-to-wrap guide as well! Now that's what I call a complete package! ;)

    P.S. I love mine deep-fried but the spicy version is gaining favour fast!

  36. well, your post title and first paragraph certainly caught my attention! frankly, i'll take your wontons any and all of the three ways (with a few extra of the fried, please...). great post!

  37. wahahahahahhaaa........Ritaaaaaaa Ritaaaaaaaaa....kamu tuh beneran ngocol abis deh !!! ada ada adja.

    Cantik poto wonton nya. Aku lebih suka yg goreng

  38. So cute! Three ways of folding, and three ways of preparing. What a happy wonton post! Thank you!

  39. There is a suprise for you in my blog. Click here to know what the suprise is,

  40. I like eating all the wontans. All 3 ways :) Great illustrations Rita.

  41. yor really have a creative drawing!!.I love HK wontan.the last time I was in HK,I eat 2 big bowl of shrimp wonton noodles with 'lai chai" and coffee at Mongkok..

  42. Hi babe, I have a little surprise for you at my blog :)

  43. threesome?! my husband would like the sound of that... the three ways of wontons of course... hehe

  44. threesome?! my husband would like the sound of that... the three ways of wontons of course... hehe

  45. I love the little graphic of how to really helps & I will make use of it...thanks!

  46. I love wantons and I'll add chopped water chestnuts in mine just to get the extra crunch!

  47. Yess! I just bought wontons, now I can try new recipes!

  48. your threesome! Beautiful...btw, has anyone tried making wonton skins?

  49. dah lama ga makan wonton sup jarang liat kulit jadinya, males bikin sendiri, minta aja deh :D

  50. My, my, you sure are getting better with them illustrations. Haha!

  51. rit, gue ini lagi kepingin wonton ternyata lo menyajikan begitu asoynya wonton ala loe..huu tega..

  52. Dirty headline!
    Lovev the useful illustrations. Hope to try making this sometime.

  53. ritaaaaa, aku yo baru mau bikin ini, waktu ketempat ayin langsung ngecesss, ehh disini ada juga..pengennnnnn

  54. Jadi pengen bikin pangsit /wonton .
    Wonton di HK manteppp , maremmm ...
    eh tapi recently aku makan di Bangkok Mie Wonton nya juga eunakkk rek !

  55. Great wonton post. Those wontons in spicy sauce look really good!

  56. I almost choked on that 'G*ng B*ng' of flavors.. hahahaha. You crack me up! hahahaha

  57. Great post. I'm boring. I only do wontons the first 2 ways. The 3rd sounds great too.

    Now I'm itching to go have a wonton orgy....

  58. I just posted a wonton soup recipe on my site, too. I love Cantonese style wontons with pure shrimp goodness. YUM!
