Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Omelette Sushi: Teriyaki Beef Fried Rice

I am not big on parties. By that, I meant planning and hosting one, as I mentioned when I was planning my Chinese Take-Out Party. But in terms of attending a party, pouring my whole heart and soul into having a good time, eating and drinking my azz off, and acting like a complete fool for everybody's enjoyment, I am your party animal.

I'll dress up or dress down into whatever you wanted me to wear, I'll play the games, and I'll sing and dance to whatever music being played, including "Country Road, Take Me Home". But most of all, I'll be the first to head off to the buffet table, and I'll be the last man standing, still scraping food off the trays, resisting the poor caterers who tried to clear the buffet table. This also explains my choices of party outfits. Although I like to look "nice" (and by "nice" I meant slutty hehe like cleavage cleavage cleavage LOL!), I never wear anything skin tight. I always leave plenty of room for multiple trips to the buffet table and the only reason I find it difficult to breathe is because I am normally stuffed up to my eyeballs with food. HA-HA-HA.

My idea of party food is something tasty and sinful (parties are all about indulgence, aren't they?), something which is substantial enough to bolster the amount of alcohol I might have to drink, and something I can still eat while looking effortlessly gorgeous and not at all animalistic (Mission Impossible? LOL).

something tasty and sinful = nicely marbled fatty beef slices with teriyaki sauce
alcohol bolster = riceeeee
easy to pop into my mouth = bite size + japanese inspiration = omelette sushi =

Teriyaki Beef Fried Rice Omelette Sushi

Teriyaki Beef Fried Rice

- 2 cups of rice, cooked one day ahead, refrigerate overnight
- 4 cloves of shallot, finely sliced
- 1 lb thinly sliced, nicely marbled fatty beef
- 1 cup of green peas
- teriyaki sauce, soy sauce, pepper

Saute shallot, add beef, add sauces, add rice, mix well, adjust taste by adding sauces if necessary. Let cool

- 4 eggs, beaten
- 2 tsp corn starch
- 1/2 cup milk/cream

Mix corn starch with the milk/cream, pour into beaten eggs, mix well. In batches, make a thin, crepe-like omelette.

Omelette Sushi
On an omelette, arrange some beef and fried rice to form a long tube, wrap carefully (the omelette is very delicate), use a sharp knife to cut into bite sized pieces, secure with a toothpick, which also makes it easier for guests to pick.

If you found the omelette too troublesome to make and too delicate to wrap, you can use nori instead (the dry Japanese seaweed paper which is used to wrap sushi) ^_^

Submitting this recipe to Dhanggit's Perfect Party Dishes blog event to celebrate her little girl's first birthday! Yay!

This dish could also be served in a heated food tray, or just for every day dinner, in a rice bowl :)

Nonononono, I am not done with that, please don't take the tray away, excuse me! Sir! Sir!


  1. Reading your post made me laugh. I think will go well together in parties. Im exactly like you, the first one to jump in the buffet table and the last one scavenging the rest LOL sometimes I even have doggie bags with me :-) I love the idea of omelette sushi! My guests will definitely awe at this creation of yours! Thanks for this delicious entry!!

  2. So creative! I like the sound and looks of it. Taste - sure to be good!

  3. what a lovely entry! and is the ultimate creativity!!

  4. Oooo how cute are these? I love that you can use Jap beancurd wrappings too cos I definitely won't be able to do it up so neatly.
    They look soooo devilishly delicious.


  5. wuih idene ono wæ ik.. btw apik lho sushine :) I love nasgor :p

  6. Lol. NIce and yummy pic dear. Nice blog. First time here.

  7. I love the look of your omelet sushi. I haven't tried it before. I think I have a handle on California rolls and should learn some other styles. This looks like a great one to learn, thanks!
    Also, your photos are great, I love the little shadows from the rolls.

  8. Sushi nya cantik..poto2 nya juga kerennnnn..apalagi yg keliatan bayangan nya tuh Rit !!!

  9. Yummo - I'm first to the buffet table with these on board.

  10. You can read my mind, can you? I am trying to learn how to make sushi!

    BTW, I have a surprise for you in my blog ;)

  11. What a nice idea!! I have a little "challenge" making crepe-like stuff, whether is a crepe, omelet....But I might give this one a try.

  12. Wow, another great entry! Great job with your bite size omelette sushi, so presentable and cute!

  13. What a great idea... I think both recipes sound outstanding! Nice photos too.

  14. I love that you wear bigger clothes to eat more!! And what a great party food - so original!

  15. Ooh, what a tres cool idea. Omelette sushi!

    Of course, being the lazybones that I am, I love that bowl too. Easier to make! ;)

  16. Pingin banget cicipi omelette sushi ..

  17. what a great party dish! you crack me up!

  18. great idea Rit!
    keren euy jadinya, hebat!

  19. you crack me up - and you sound like a chick i'd want to hang out w/ at a party!

    this dish is so creative (as everyone else mentioned) and really would make the perfect appetizer! great job on this one.

  20. hahaha i dun think breasts expands that quickly as oppose to the stomach..but funny entry!

  21. bagus sekali idenya Rit!

  22. hi all, thanks for the comments, enjoy the party!

    monkee, yes u re right! you can use sweet beancurd wrapper too! sky's the limit eh? brilliant idea!

  23. i really enjoy reading ur blog... so entertaining, so much yummy food to entice me to stray off my diet, and i get to learn new recipes at the same time!

    every morning when i come to work, i allocate "me time" where i allow myself to check emails, webs, blog... and ur blog is on m y usual list of blogs to see every morning..

  24. i really enjoy reading ur blog... so entertaining, so much yummy food to entice me to stray off my diet, and i get to learn new recipes at the same time!

    every morning when i come to work, i allocate "me time" where i allow myself to check emails, webs, blog... and ur blog is on m y usual list of blogs to see every morning..

  25. thanks sandra, i am so honored! do you have a blog too?

  26. oopsie... didnt realise i posted it twice..

    i have a multiply site, that has a blog in it too.. is that counted? mine is

  27. woah, the presentation of these sushi looks like haute cusine ... and haha ... I love your party outfit ... you look gorgeous ;)
