Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Look at that Bird's Cute Butt! My First Roasted Chicken

Oooohhh la la~! Isn't that the cutest butt I've ever seen! Well, maybe second cutest...the cutest one would be my butt, kindly refer to below picture LOL. Fortunately and unfortunately, I couldn't find one where I was naked...sorry to disappoint ;p

I have never roasted a whole chicken before...but I was totally inspired by Little Corner of Mine's whole roast chicken, which looks so gloriously golden and delicious. Plus it sounded totally doable, even for roast chicken virgins like me hehe. The other thing was, I saw chilled whole chickens being sold for HK$30 (around US$3.8), and they are kinda small, so they will fit into my tiny oven. Since I don't have the ready made marinate recommended by Ching, my plan was just to rub all of my favorite spices onto the bird. This is what I call perfection! I got the plan, the bird, and the tool. Now let's see if I could ruin another idiot proof experiment LOL.

Roasted Chicken with Garlic, Butter, Shallot and Spring Onion

- 1 chicken (smallish)
- 5 cloves of garlic, crushed, cut into a few sections
- 3 cloves of shallot, chopped into a few sections
- 1 cm of ginger, crushed
- a few sprigs of spring onion
- zest of half lemon
- butter, salt, pepper

Trim off excess fat, stuff 1 tbsp of butter into the hollow part of the bird, along with a few pieces of garlic, shallot, ginger and spring onion, sprinkle a bit of salt and pepper. Stuff similar combination in between the meat and the skin, rub butter, salt and pepper all over the bird, keep in the fridge, preferably overnight, if not, a couple of hours will do.

Preheat oven to 175C, use a deep baking tray, as there will be lotsa juice, cover our little bird with foil (shiny side facing the bird), bake for 1 hour. Uncover the bird, remove excess juice, increase heat to 250C, bake until the skin is crisp and golden, flip the bird to crisp the other side.

The end result couldn't be further from a failure. The bird's butt was plump, shiny and golden. The meat was tasty and super moist (I even ate the breast, and normally I am all about legs), and the skin...it is worth all the pounds and kilograms I was gonna gain from eating it :p I served it with herb and butter rice (recipe coming soon) and a plate of broccoli and tomatoes, but it should taste fantastic with anything else.

Now, how do I get my oversized butt to be as cute...


  1. A chicken roasted is a thing of beauty. Come on, I'm sure sous chef will say your butt is way cuter than the chicken's. ;)

  2. Asli ngakak baca judul nya haaaa.
    Aku minta yg bagian sayap ya Ritaaaa.
    Btw..aku link lg ya..yg lama ilang :(

  3. That is one good lookin roast chicken!

  4. Awww, look at that cute butt! The chicken, not yours! Hahaha! You know you're the cutest! :)

    I went to an Indonesian restaurant yesterday! Will have to return a few more times before I can post about it.

  5. Woohoo! COngrats! That is a gorgeous roast!

  6. hHahhaa..you won't want to have a small cute bottom or i tend to think of Hello Kitty losing the balance! LOL!

  7. Yup! Definitely cute and tasty! -- the chicken, that is... :)

  8. The chicken looks beautiful I make it pretty much the way you do except I used oregano instead of ginger.

  9. hahaha ... your posts are such entertaining reads ;) This is the truth, the truth and nothing butt the truth =x

  10. LOL...chicken...and your butt...
    very very cute ;-)

    uh uh love the recipe ;-)
    Thanks for sharing :-D

  11. How is it that you make me laugh so hysterically every time I come here! I told my hubby I want to be friends with you...your like my butt, YOU CRACK ME UP.

    The chicken looks good too.

  12. hehehe...coba nunggingnya skrg Rit...pasti lebih cute...

  13. That roast chicken sure look good with shiny crispy skin. Thanks for the recipe Rita. Im gonna be making chicken rice with roast chicken using this recipe since it does look doable enough for roast virgins. ;)

  14. Yay you did it! Such a gorgeous looking nicely golden brown chicken and butt! LOL!

  15. I can totally see the resemblence. :P Nice job for your first roasted chicken. Great work!

  16. oh my you still have that kind of photo!! my parent didn't take for me bcoz I'm the second child!!*sobbing*..not bad for first time!!I think my first time I burn my whole chicken...yea that bad!!

  17. Hmm, do you mind if I think your butt is as cute as a chicken's? :) I love the slick, crispy surface of the chicken. Do you like putting any sort of sauce on it? We like giblet gravy or sweet chili sauce in these parts... Maybe hoisin or plum sauce :)

  18. qiqiqiiqiqqi, itu fotomu Rit, cuteee abissss..kekekkekeke..aku yo doyan chicken di bakar gitu, cuma ovenku pake otang lamaaaa banget kalo ngebakar ..:((((

  19. Fabulous looking roast chicken Rita! And your butt is deffo cuter than the chickens. :)

  20. That is one beatiful roasted chicken. Look so moist, juicy and evenly brown. I am thinking of roasting one too this evening :) By the way cute butt!!

  21. gorgeous! other words coming to mind: moist. juicy. succulent. me. want. now. :)

  22. chicken is healthy! I eat chicken to shrink my butt! Your chicken looks so golden and yummy!

  23. hahhaha mang paling bisa lo rit!
    eh ini serasa makan ayam yg difilm2 kungfu jadul nga sih?

  24. You say your butt is the cutest because you never saw MY butt.. wait 'til you see me butt!! I'm not competing with the chicken though. Damn.. that's a beautiful butt!

    Wait, i just saw the new miss Hong Kong on TV. Is it just me or she looks like a giraffe?

  25. wakakakakaka... cuma Rita nih yg bisa bikin judul postingan kayak gini :))

  26. Beautiful chicken; it sounds so juicy and yummy, too. We roast chickens often. In the summer, we do them on the grill (we have a new smoker-type grill). We fill the inside with cut lemons, fresh thyme, and garlic and rub butter all over the outside—mmmmm. When the weather turns cooler and we go back to the oven, I must try this method. I love the shallot + ginger idea. Not to mention the BUTTER!

  27. gawwsh ~ interesting comments about butts from roasting a chicken!

    chicken looks good too~
