Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Tasting Tibet at Beijing's Hippest Street

After visiting some of Beijing's famous tourist destinations, I've decided that I could take a little break from checking out old Chinese palaces. I put on my shiny top, mini skirt, long-dangling earrings, heels and head to Beijing's hip and happening Nan Luo Gu Xiang. When I got there, I saw.......more miniature Chinese palaces LOL! The place was totally cool, full of Beijing's young, sexy and gorgeous...then there's me. It was raining cats and dogs, my fab outfit was drenched, my used-to-be-pristine white heels were turned into unrecognizable black and grey, and my legs were covered thigh-high with mud. LOL

No worries, fabulousness comes from within, and determined by my raging desire to get some cool souvenir t-shirts from Plastered 8, Grifted and Passby Bar, I braved the pouring rain and kept spending my RMBs (check out my loot in my other blog later).

"A journey isn't a journey without a bite"

After careful considerations (due to too many fab places I wanted to visit), I was totally attracted by the beautiful colors on this Tibet Cafe. Plus, I haven't tried Tibetan food before. So here goes...

The menu

The gorgeous decor, loving the vibrant colors

At the next table, a bunch of Beijing youngsters were playing cards and munching a bucket of KFC (whoa! I didn't know we could BYOC - Bring Your Own Chicken)!!!

Nan Luo Gu Xiang - a place to see and to be seen - I was busy checking out hotnesses while waiting for my order

Lhasa Beer - RMB20 per can (yes, the city is getting expensive). I tastes ok, I love Tsing Tao Beer more

Butter Tea! Whoa! Gotta try it

It's pretty good. Creamy with a tinge of saltiness

Tomato and Cheese Soup - absolutely flavorless. It's like pieces of tomatoes and coriander in hot water...the cheese was chewy, it tastes like dried minced pork.

Barley and milk soup - again, no seasoning. Not sure if this was supposed to be eaten as dessert or appetizer. But the milk tastes great.

Curry beef rice - I love the flavors of this curry. Unfortunately, the potatoes and the rice were undercooked

What's a MOMO?...ordered them out of curiosity...

Momo turned out to be fried dumplings. These are filled with minced yak meat! Whoaaa! Yak meat tastes good, very similar to beef, only chewier. The skin of the dumplings were rather thick...and they didn't taste like they were freshly fried. Loving the juice squirting out of the dumplings though.

Gosh, I didn't mean to be such a harsh critic....
It's either Tibetan food isn't my thing, or this was NOT it.

Judging from how we generally felt about the food, I guess this is the kind of place to hang out, relax, have a couple of drinks, and enjoy the atmosphere instead of the food.

This explains the BOYC policy.


  1. this is how Tibetan food looks like..heheh..

  2. wah jalan maning yoo :) wisata kuliner :D

  3. Ooh, not a good time, eating-wise! That's too bad. Pretty place, though. I have a friend who was in Beijing recently. Wonder if he tried Tibetan food? Hopefully not at this restaurant!

  4. looks like sucha cool place ~ dumplings caught my eye!

    thanks for insight.....

  5. gosh...i had to laugh so hard on your BYOC comment! :D well, at least you tried it, now you know :D

  6. hehe. It looks like food bloggers r taking turns to go on trips!

    Momo-it's interesting but i saw the same item on a Indian menu once..

  7. ritaa fried dumpling keliatan endangg ya boooww....ngeces deh liatnya, kayak siomay

  8. Oh i saw that food market on TV recently. That looks so cool.. sea horses and all. Lucky girl, i'm dying to go to Beijing! Looks like a great trip! :-)
