Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Spicy Spinach with Miso Sauce - Quotable Quotes?

Some of my friends love collecting inspirational quotes.
They are generally super profound, highly philosophical, inspirational, motivational, clever, and bursting with positiveness to the level of life changing...and normally, they are quoted from noble, profound, smart, clever, famous people who are no longer with us, such as Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Einstein, Confusius, and so on...these quotes are normally used as instant messenger additional nicknames or facebook status ^_^

Some possible objectives are:
- self inspiration/motivation- inspiring/motivating others
- a reflection of current mood/state of mind/current personal events/one's principals/emotional experiences
- serving as a hidden passive-aggressive message for the "benefit" of others (hehe)
- perception management, i.e. trying to make others think that I am wise, smart, emotionally stable, etc LOL
- simply showing off

While I too, use quotable quotes to achieve all of the above objectives at some point, most quotes that I chose sometimes make me feel intellectually and philosophically inferior. I am sure you'll agree after reading my recent, newly discovered quote:

"Sleep 'til you're hungry, eat 'til you're sleepy. " ~Author Unknown

OHOHOHOHOHO....I swear by it and really practice it (which was the other night's case, where I had a truckload of carbs before 19:00, slept right after meal until 22:00, woke up, had a super late supper and slept again at 1:00 am 'til the next morning LOL)...

and this dish tastes superb with rice:
Spicy Spinach with Miso Sauce

- a bunch of spinach, cleaned, chopped length-wise into 3 parts
- 3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
- 1 or 2 small red chilli, chopped
- 2 tbsp miso paste
- 1 tsp sugar
- olive oil and water

Saute garlic and chilli in hot oil, add spinach until slightly cooked, add miso paste, stir in sugar, add a bit of water (I like it saucy) bring to boil, serve with steamed rice and a meat dish

For all the celebrity chefs out there, here's a spinach quote for you:
"Never eat spinach just before going on the air" ~ Dan Rather


  1. ritaaa,,,aku belum pernah coba bayem dikasih miso...rasanya pasti seger yaa :D...

  2. You know I dread seeing spinach in the fridge because I know we'll be getting a watery, tasteless kind of green vegetable. Miso paste seems a good idea to elevate spinach. Thanks for the tip!

  3. I'm really liking how this sounds. Miso and heat seems to really go well together for me,

  4. Ummmm, Miso make everything so tasty!

  5. love that quote. a rule I live by too...

  6. I've enjoyed adding miso to my cooking, and I think it'd be great with spicy spinach!

    BTW, i had ice cream right before bed last night, so I think I"m also adhering to your quote!

  7. Wow, another way for me to use miso paste! Thanks!

  8. miso pake bayem? gue kudu cari miso paste deh.

  9. When I buy my miso, this will be my to-try list!

  10. This is a tasty way to enjoy spinach!

  11. Zen quote: "Whom goes to bed with an itchy butt, wakes up with stinky fingers." Ooopss.. sowwyyy. I guess i'm no Confucious.. just Confused! haha ;-)

  12. hehee. That is an excellent quote to live by!

  13. I could eat a whole plate of this dish and not feel guilty at all!

  14. Yummy Rita, this sounds so wonderful!

  15. aku wingi bar gæ stir fry bayem pk ikan asen hehe :p ndak ono miso..
    enak ndi kr ikan asinku :)

  16. Mmm... miso paste with spinach? I would love this, Rita.

  17. Hmmmmm reminds me of kangkung belachan .... This is one more idea for me on how to finish up my miso paste. Thanks!

  18. Miso + spinach = excellent idea. I will be making this very soon. Thanks!

  19. spicy food is my favorit food. in indonesia we can find spicy food in anywhere

  20. I like this quote from Helen Hayes: "Age is not important, unless you're a cheese." ;)
