Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Sate Ayam Kecap Manis - Skewerless Chicken Satay

Some trips rejuvenate you, and you'll be back feeling all refreshed, younger, better looking, richer, healthier (at least mentally hehe), skinnier, under eye skin lighter, with bigger smile on your face, ready to face new challenges, yada-yada-yada-bla-bla-bla...

For me, business trips generally drained me down to my last drop of blood, I came back feeling the exact opposite of all the above descriptions, which is just tooo bad..

Plus, it felt like I owe everybody lots of things, hmmm I DO owe everybody lots of things:
- my co-workers: pending cases I haven't done
- my external customers: pending cases I haven't done, announcements to be posted, event pictures to be edited and posted, etc etc etc
- my boss: pending items in preparation of our next corporate event
- my blog readers: pending articles I haven't posted
- my fellow bloggers: Michelle> something HUGE I haven't submitted; Ayin & Ben> a little something I haven't mailed
- my sous chef: home cooked food and baked goodies
- my group exercise instructors: the normal energy I can contribute to the class (which means more screaming and jumping)
- various utility companies: unpaid bills, soon I will get disconnection notice and I'll have to steal Internet connection from any unsecured Wi-Fi around me? SOB SOB
- the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government's Inland Revenue Authority: MY INCOME TAX FORM!!!

I have two options:
1. Deal with them one thing at a time? or
2. Just go into an absolute state of denial and go to bed?

The consequences of option no 2 are just too scary (no job, no friends, no electricity, no Internet, deported from Hong Kong, etc *shudder*), so I'll stick with option 1 hehe, starting with posting this pending recipe I owe everybody

Skewerless Chicken Satay in Sweet Soy Sauce
- 2 chicken thigh fillet, remove skin & excess fat
- 2 cloves of garlic, crushed
- 4 cloves of shallot, crushed
- about 2 cm ginger, crushed
- a bit of grated nutmeg, or use powdered nutmeg (until you can sniff a bit of a scent)
- ground corriander seeds (1 tbsp)
- lime juice
- water, salt, pepper, palm sugar
- 3 tbsp coconut milk
- Sweet soy sauce, palm sugar

Preheat oven to 250C. On a stove top, bring water to boil (just enough to cover chicken meat), add chicken pieces and spices (except sweet soy sauce), turn heat down, cook until chicken is done, add coconut milk, cook a bit more, drain most of the water, leave some to keep the meat moist. Pour sweet soy sauce on the chicken, grill until the sweet soy sauce caramelised, garnish with fried shallot and cucumber pickles, serve with Indonesian Fried Rice or just steamed rice.

One down, 999 more to go...


  1. Wow.. talking about right timing. I was struggling to find something to make for dinner tonite and you posted this. Dear Rita, you are a lifesaver :)

  2. Skewerless is the way to go. You get more of the good stuff that way, right? Looks delish.

  3. Yay...Rita's back& cooking! I'm enjoying the photos from Penang.

  4. oooh, easy and delicious, perfect! Sorry that things are so stressful--I hope everything calms down soon!

  5. hi yozoranitesky, hehe glad u like it ;)

    hi recipegirl, exactly! just gobble gobble gobble

    hi peter! I soooo missssss you guys!!! i'll be going around browsing blogs again soon. i need some greek food (at least for the eyes) hehe

    hi elle..hehe stress is part of life...we just need to compensate it with good food eh? hehe

  6. This dish look so good.. I am so trying this out :)

  7. I'm so glad to have stopped by your blog! I'm always on the hunt for Indonesian recipes that are well...in English! My mom is from Indonesia, but she doesn't usually write anything down so if I want to make one of her dishes, I have to fly & visit her to watch her make it in person :) Great blog and the satay look delicious!

  8. halhahhhh bikin ngecesss iki rit

  9. I cooked this for dinner tonight, mine looked so ugly .. hehehe.. promise u won't laught at my poor half tanned chicken ;-p
