Monday, May 19, 2008

Ginger & Brown Sugar Grilled Chicken...& I'm Off to Penang!!!...

Gonna leave for Penang for work in a few minutes ;) & gonna stay there for about a week.

Generally, my travel objectives (applicable for both business & pleasure if possible) are:
- Take a picture with some kinda landmark (when desperate, airport & hotel room/convention centre count :p)
- Try local food (when desperate, anything from hotel room service counts - sorry)
- Buy corny souvenirs (when desperate, anything from supermarket/7-11 counts)

I hope I could achieve all three in this trip, I heard about all the good food from Penang and I'll be depressed and suicidal if I didn't get to try any...wish me luck, guys!'s my goodbye recipe:

Ginger & Brown Sugar Grilled Chicken
- 3 chicken thigh fillet, remove excess fat
- 2 cloves of garlic, 4 cloves of shallot, about 6 cm ginger, crushed
- 1 tsp ground corriander seed, 1 tsp nutmeg
- 1 stick of brown sugar
- dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, pepper
- half cup of coconut milk
- water, olive oil

Marinate chicken fillet with garlic, shallot, ginger, ground corriander seed, nutmeg powder, salt, pepper for minimum 1 hr, it'd be better if you could leave it overnight in the fridge. Boil the chicken with some water (just enough to cover the chicken) until the meat is 3/4 cooked, add coconut milk, cook using low heat. Preheat oven to 250 celcius, remove most liquid from the pot, keep it in a bowl for basting, grill chicken, add liquid to the skin from time to time, until the skin is nicely browned. Serve with steamed rice and sambal if you like it hot.

....and.....adios! See you soon guys, I am sure there' s Internet in Penang, just hope I'll have the time to get online! ^_^


  1. keliatan enak deh Rit.. jadi pengen nyoba, boleh ya kapan-kapan dicontek

    btw, have fun di Penang

  2. Enjoy and have a safe trip!
    I'm already thinking Penang Char Kway Teow, Penang Laksa, Penang Prawn Noodles...for you :P~~~

  3. Ritaaaa...asiknya yang mau jalan2, jangan lupa oleh2 yaaa...qiqiqiqi

  4. have a safe trip Rita..and hv fun too!
    I'll be offline for awhile by Friday, since we are moving away to other province...
    cya soon and look forward to reading your fun times in Penang!

  5. Hey, have a great time in Penang and bring us back some curry and cheesy souvenirs! You know, like refrigerator magnets and stuff. Hehe. I love the chicken recipe, easy and delicious. Just the way I like it. Thanks!

  6. yuhuuuuuuuuu
    wah, off ng penang?
    aku lg wae bali ko arab ki....
    cape deh...

  7. Have some great fun! Look forward to food + travel pix when you get back ;-)

  8. Have a nice trip ...
    Waiting for your new story ...

  9. Penang is a food heaven! I prefer the stalls to restaurants. Im sure they'l be Penangites suggesting you where to go and im pretty sure u wont be dissappointed. ;) Enjoy your holiday!

  10. Ooooh, fabulous! All flavors that I love. How much is a stick of brown sugar?

    Have a great trip, stay safe, and EAT!

  11. That chicken sounds tasty. Have fun in Penang!

  12. safe trip Jeng..your ayam bakar sounds so delicius..

  13. You're leaving to Penang!?
    How nice!!!
    Have fun there, and please do keep us posted about lives in Penang!
    ((((Am I too big to fit in your luggage?!?)))

  14. Have fun in Penang! Im leaving for vacation tomorrow!! btw that grilled chicken looks perfect!

  15. ooo hv a great trip! The food is going to be fantastic at Penang!!! wow!

  16. The chicken looks delicious. Have a great time in Penang. Looking forward to hearing about the food, shopping, etc.

  17. Yikes, sounds scrumptious. Tagging this for future making!

  18. This sounds devine - put ginger in a dish and I'm there. Enjoy your trip!

  19. Penang is a foodie haven! Any street food is tigerfish has suggested - Penang CKT, Laksa, Prawn Noodles. Try also the chendol at Penang Road. The Jew Hoo Eng Chai (cuttlefish with vegs) is marvellous. And pasembur at Padang Brown.
