Saturday, April 12, 2008

Jordan Fun

Deep down inside, I will always be a tourist in Hong Kong. I love corny, cheesy, touristy places, such as Jordan district in Kowloon Peninsula, the home of Temple Street Night Market.

What I love from Temple Street Night Market:
- the cheap "antique" finds (they might be just as antique as my week old shoes)
- the long row of fortune teller stalls with long queue of people (although I never get my fortune/misfortune told-I can't stand bad news as it is, not to mention hearing about it in advance- but I just love seeing they exist as a part of HK's culture)
- the Nepali ethnic clothing and accessories stalls
- the HK souvenir shops
- and just about anything else from vibrators and kinky underthings to children's toys
- the rip off open-air seafood/coffee shop restaurants

After my doctor's visit, I visited HK's famous coffee shop, Tsui Wah

The curry beef brisket was delicious, the meat tender & juicy, the potatoes melted in my mouth, the sauce was just super rich, perfect with steamed rice or buns.

The grilled chicken in Swiss sauce, served with fried eggs on dry instant noodles. Chicken skin was crispy, sauce was smokey yet subtle, noodles still spring, fried eggs were perfect! It was totally worth the whopping HK$40 price tag took A LOT of picturing the image of my warping, collapsing, exploding, seriously overloaded wardrobe to stop myself from buying all these babies. Super cute tees, just HK$35 each!!!! Oooohhhhhh mann! I gotta buy myself another wardrobe!

Dinner at a Temple Street seafood stall (I promise I will get the resto name, there are just so many of them, it could be pretty hard to find and you might end up with the ones that suckkk big time)

Cholesterol alert!

My favorite street seafood snack dish: Oyster Omelette! Unhealthy but simply deeeelishhhh!

The crispy Bombay Pomfrets, the bones were so fine, it was like munching tasty sticks of fresh, succulent fish meat.

I can eat whatever I want now yay! Check out what I've bought in my other blog Living La Vida Rita soon :)


  1. I did not know Jordan district is cheesy and corny.
    Twice I visited HK, I stayed in the Jordan district...kekekkeke.....
    And I'm always a tourist when in Hong Kong ;P

  2. riiitaaa dapet tag dari aku yooo..:D

  3. hi tigerfish...i think the locals don't really go to jordan (temple st part of jordan) but i love it precisely because it is touristy and cheesy and corny hehe

    hi lcom, yeah gotta try em when u re in hk! :)

    ok els, nanti tak liat2 hehe

  4. hehehe...i want the T-shirt that says..I love Pork Shop. hehehe

  5. hi zen chef, did you learn the popular meaning of "pork chop" in hk cantonese slang? hehehehe pork chop = .....

  6. Oh I don't know! Did I miss something? Oopss
    But you're going to tell me, right??

  7. do i say this delicately (as perez wud say):

    pork chop (hong kong slang) = girls who are NOT attractive

  8. delicately put.

  9. hehehe i tried my best...^^

    email me at mochachocolatarita(at)gmail(dot)com if you really really really want the tee ^_^
