Thursday, April 3, 2008

Double Chocolate Pancakes

I've never posted anything mocha, so at least I tried posting more chocolata, even if I don't know how to bake (I promise to start learning soon ^_^). Why the heck my blog name is Mochachocolata-Rita then?'s a phrase from Lady Marmalade:

Gitchie, gitchie, ya ya da da
Gitchie, gitchie, ya ya here
Mocha Chocolata ya ya => change to Mochachocolata Rita
Creole Lady Marmalade.....

How cheesy is that? ^_^

Please don't mind my amoeba-shaped pancakes, after few hundreds of practice, I might be able to handle hello kitty-shaped pancakes later ^_^ (just buy the mold?). Out of 8 pancakes, there were only about 3 which are quite nicely round...the ones which you can't see below are more amoeba-esque hehe

- 1 cup of self raising flour
- half cup of cocoa powder
- half cup of chocolate milk
- 2 tbsp cooking oil
- 2 eggs
- 2 tbsp sugar

Mix eggs, oil, and chocolate milk, mix flour, sugar and cocoa powder in a separate powder, make a well in the middle, pour egg mixture, whisk until you get the desired consistency, it should be a bit runny, add milk if you find it too thick. Grease a small frying pan with butter, pour the mixture, fry on low heat until you see some bubbles, turn, serve with anything you like...

...for me, that means more Chocolata? YAYA!


  1. Rita, every time I visit you, I start singing that song!
    Double chocolate?! Oh my! :)

  2. wow.. gendut-2 pancakenya.. pancake norway tipis-2. maeme nggo gulo :( opo mapel syrup

  3. MMmm chocolate! Chocolate is always best anytime of the day!

  4. lol. never actually realise tht pancake can come in the shape of amoeba. but they look very fluffy tho. ;)

  5. mauuuuu..keliatan yummy banget Rit...:D cocok buat sarapan pagi :D

  6. Chocolate pancakes sound good. Maybe with some nutella spread on top?

  7. oh yum! That looks delicious? Late supper or early breakfast.. mmm

  8. anak gw dikasih makan ini tiap hari juga gk protes kali:) nikmat sih:)
