Tuesday, March 18, 2008

**Ugly Delicious: Crispy Fish & Hospital News

Good news, bad news.
OK. The good news first. Brought home some pan fried fish the other day, just had to reheat it in the oven for a bit, and it is ready to rumble. Super crispy, I could even eat most of the bones, tasty, and not a even a bit fishy. All we need to do is just marinating the fish with salt, preferably overnight, you can add lime juice for a punch of acid, and pan fry both sides til golden brown. Serve with steamed rice. A dip of chilli with sweet soy sauce, finely chopped shallot, corriander and lime juice made it perfect.

As for the bad news...I gotta be away in a hospital for a few days...no, I am not having a boob job or nose job, eye job nor lipo (I wish....), so I am not gonna emerge looking like Rachael Ray's twin anytime soon.

I will be having a surgery to treat my hyperthyroidism. Although the medical condition made me eat like a construction worker without getting me fat, I've decided to go through with the surgery (am I crazy???!!!), due to the fact that the medication I've been taking for years compromised my immunity system and made me super vulnerable.

I wanna cook some serious fried things and I wanna be able to eat them too, so I gotta get well.
Wish me luck guys, promise to write as soon as I could get my hands on my keyboard :)


  1. You're in my prayers, Rita.
    (that IS some ugly fried fish :))

  2. thanks for the prayers maryann...

    inspired by project runway, the fishies should be considered ugly beautiful heheh

  3. God bless you, Rita. You are in my prayers.

  4. thanks kc...hmm maybe there's wifi in the hospital? *grin*

  5. Take care and you'll b just fine!

  6. take care..im sure u will be alrite..hope u will be blogging soon!

    i can nvr eat skinny fried fish..prefer meaty ones!!

  7. wah nek mangan iki kr sambel trasi mesti ampe merem melek mripate huehehe

  8. Sorry to hear about the surgery but you are a brave gal.

    But isn't it good to be able to eat and not get fat ? :P

  9. oh babe! Hope u get better soon!!

  10. Just read this. Hope your surgery goes well and you will be back to normal soon.

  11. First time visitor here, Rita. Hope you are doing well. And hey, even ugly fish deserves its day in the sun... so long as it's dee-lee-shious! :D

  12. Good luck to you Rita and I think your decision is a good one. I had a customer who chose to go through what you are going through, at such a young age. Life is better for her now and much less medicated.
    Can't wait for you to get back on your keyboard !

  13. Hi Rita,
    I giggled at the title. You'll be in my thoughts. I'm sure your surgery will turn out well. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
    Take care,

  14. Get well, Maryanne!! I just discovered your LOVELY blog and I want more (not to be selfish here). These fish looks amazing. What kind are they?

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I promise to be back here. Feel better...

    amy @ http://www.weareneverfull.com

  15. Best wishes to you in the hospital! And good for you for taking care of it....my husband has an esophagus issue that would be better if he got a small procedure done, but he won't do it. It could cause him lots of problems as he gets older...I am happy to hear you are doing what you need to do to take care of yourself in the future.

    Ugly fish! :-)

  16. Get well soon and hopefully the recovering from surgery goes well. Lots of hugs and love!
    From -your far away friend that is in the same boat as you ---ly

  17. hi all...thanks for the best wishes...so sweet of you guys...i'm back home hehehe

  18. Good luck, Rita!

    The thyroid is a pisser, isn't it? I'm on the other end of the scale with hypothyroidism, i.e. I eat three peas and become a fatoid.

    Get better soon and blog more about some pretty ugly food. ;-)

  19. Ritaaaa....sori baru dateng..:D..baru tau kalo dirimu sakit ya bu...giman sekarang udah sembuh belum ? miss youuu
