Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Licky Leek Spring Rolls

Such a wonderful news! Michelle just told me that I won the overall photography part of the SnackShots#2 event! Wowwwwww!!! This calls for a celebration, and inspired me to do better! Thanks you guyssss...Cheers!

My original post:

Michelle of
Greedy Gourmet invited me to join a SnackShots event involving leek. Accckkk!! I've never made anything of leek before. I was also not sure what's leek. Finally, I went to the market yesterday, and was told by the veggie vendor, that leek is basically some kind of giant spring onion. Okie dokie. I'm gonna do something Asian, something spring-ish. So, here are my Licky Leek Spring Rolls (pardon my corny name) and Porky Pig Licky Leek Spring Rolls (for carnivores in my household, who could not survive without meat)

- 1 stalk of leek, chopped
- 1 pack of spring roll wraps (20 sheets)
- if you want the meaty version, get some ground pork/beef/chicken
- oyster sauce, soy sauce, shaoxing chinese wine (optional)
- oil for frying, saute
- worchestershire sauce, soy sauce, sugar, chopped red chilli (for dipping)



The chopped leek, saute in oyster sauce, soy sauce, chinese wine, set aside until cool

Place a spoonful of leek on the spring roll wrap, place the spring roll wrap on a damp towel to prevent it from drying (I got this tip from Jaden's Steamy Kitchen)

I rolled them pretty much the way I liked them, my sous chef helped me rolling some. This is why the shapes of the rolls are so un-uniformed (is that a word?). There are fat ones, and there are slim ones. The pretty ones are mine (sous chef: no! mine! me: NO! MINE!...this could go on forever. A classic debacle at Mochachocolata's kitchen).

For the carnivores, saute ground meat with a bit of leek, oyster sauce, soy sauce, chinese wine. Drain all the juice, let it cool



Dip-dip-dip & Eat-eat-eat



  1. Dah..lama banget nggak bikin Lumpia, jadi pengeeennn.

  2. bikin yuk bikin mba....hiukkk

    hehe tadi barusan dipanasin buat lunch at work, lembek karena pake microwave, tapi yg aneh, aku malah lebih suka versi lembeknya...yg krispy2 kadang bikin aku sariawan hihihik

  3. Porky Pig Licky Leek...hahaha..i like this name, and of course the spring rolls. I wanted to make spring rolls for a while now but I cannot get spring roll wrappers so easily here! :(

  4. hi..rita...greetings fr. me...i like yr fresh with a tinge of lively humour....see you had a passion for cooking too...yr leeks looks wonderful...keep up the good work...

  5. hi tigerfish...hehe luckily for me, it is super easy to get spring roll wraps abt trying to hand make them? (i gave up before i started hehe)

    hi sweet jasmine, hehe from necessity became passion...thanks for stopping by...:)

  6. Your springrolls look great! I've never made them, but I'd sure like to give these a try. Now that you have had leeks, will you eat them more often? ;-)

  7. walah, nemu lumpia ng kene...

    koe ga reti JONGKONG to, Rit?
    kui jajajn pasar sing wernane ireng kegemaranmu.
    rasane kenyil2 enak...

  8. hi michelle, is it easy for you to get spring roll wraps there? are there asian supermarkets? :)

    i'll try leeks in other ways next time

    hi, deeeeet....wis tau nggawe jongkong? gawe trus photo tho ben aku iso nginguk-nginguk hehe...lumpiaku bajakan, ayo tho kowe melu acara gawe masakan nganggo leek...hiukkkk

  9. Those look like a great crunchy delcious snack!

  10. those looks so good! yum indeed!

  11. nice! Finger food r so much fun to eat.

  12. hi jenn! yes, super crunchy, and the leeks gives out natural sweetness. me weird, but i kinda like them soggy after microwave :)

    hi amy, glad you like it :)

    hi daph, yeah! i especially like using my fingers...and when home alone...i could double dip and lick all my 10 fingers, yay!

  13. I have not done much with leeks. Those Leek Spring Rolls look really good!

  14. hi kev, yeah...this was my first time trying leek too!...if you are an absolute carnivore, adding porky pig/beefy beef/cheeky chicken wud make it even more superbbbbbb :)

  15. Rit.. mending pk spring onion drpd leek hihi...baunya strong banget :(
    disini ad spring roll frosen yg pk leek buaaaanyak ampe rasane jd eneg.

  16. hehehe kalo nurutin selera asalku sih diisi daging ma udang ajah hehehe...tapi ada yg demen leek nih, sous chef-ku hehehe

    dulu aku benci banget loh sama bau2 spring onion, kalo makan apa2 yg ada daun bawangnya tak cuthik'e kabeh satu2 wahaha...apalagi leek ga kebayang deh, tapi sekarang dah doyan, dulu juga benci ketchup sekarang doyan...heran yah seleraku bisa berubah gitu..

  17. tukeran yook ama pangsit goreng!!! heee . Aku jg nggak pernah tau rasa nya leek kayak apa.

    Salam kenal juga dari New Zealand yaaa. Nti aku link ach..thnx

  18. springrolls dimakan ama cabe wuihhh euenak deh.

  19. Riittt...ini banyakan leeknya ya...keliatan enak nihhh...;D..tar coba ah, tfs yaaa

  20. Hi Mariena,
    yok yok tukeran hehehe..leek rasanya kayak daun bawang tapi lebih manis and pungent kekeke..

    Hi Dwiana...hehehe iya dicabein asyik, kalo disini ngetopnya pada pake kecap inggris hehe

    Hi Els, aku bikin 3 macem: 1. leek doang, 2. leek + pork, 3. pork doang hehehe...laen kali pengen bikin yg isi pisang coklat wahaha

  21. hi there, tq for dropped by at my place..hope u can understand malays..hehe
    nice one u have kids love spring rolls..but i love leeks..u just gave me some ideas here, tq...

  22. hi jun, thx for dropping by...go crazy with the leek ^_^

  23. There is a Chinese shop I visit when I run out of my exotic supplies and I've seen springroll sheets there, BUT I don't have a deep fryer. Also, seeing how much oil you have to use scares me. Blame my mother for bringing me up in a health freak environment. :-s Love springrolls though...

    Thanks for participating in SnackShots and don't forget to check out the roundup soon.
